
K-pop, If anyone ask what is K-pop to me, my answer definitely would be "my everything". Since, the people of my place don't go for K-pop, I really had many difficulties to face. I remember for the first time my friend and I prepared Suju's Memories for the farewell celebration, but our song got rejected at instant. Well I admit I was hurt but after considering the fact that may be I had lacking in my singing potential, later it came to me the reasons for their rejection is simply because it's a korean song and people don't understand. Wow, I can't help but to scoff, as I remember some students performing different language song no one can catch the meaning at all. That's not it I tried to perform in school programe for like 3-4 times but got rejected everytime.

My classmate always mock me for my likeness to K-pop, I don't hold any grudge towards any singer but my classmate force me to insult their fav band or singer. I had a habit of humming during free period and they will react as if their ear are going to burst due to my singing, but when the other girl or me sing none kpop song no one will give a damn about.

Inspite of all this I'm glad at least I've covince some of my friends to listen to Kpop.

This time instead of continuos rejection I'll try again to perform on my school stage again.


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meghnasoo #1
You are such a fighter!!!