My Life Thus Far

My Life thus far has been a wild adventure, but whose hasn't. Sometimes you have your low days and other days your high in the sky without ever wanting to come back down. 

I'm going to kind of rant about myself so be prepared. 

All my life I've been so worried about everything! The future, my talents, how I look, Money, Health, what will happen. Everything a person can worry  about I probably have. But at this point in my life, I have had so many blessings, so many good things happen that counter the bad. Of course when i do have those bad moments, those terrible days, i think that it's all over. That nothing good will happen for me again. But You know what I say now? I don't care! I am going to live and I am going to be happy just being me! Myself! The person I had to learn to love! I had to learn to understand that life is what it is and you can't always control everything but you are strong enough to get through anything! I had to learn to push myself into my passions! If your not passionate you won't make it because you won't want to make it! 

I have had a lot of self esteem problems in life but with the help of some friends and the strength I wield inside I got past them and learned to love myself. I want everyone to love themselves. Every woman and every man is beautiful and if you can see it in yourself others will see it in you, but you also have to be humble or your beauty will fade away with the darkness of being smug and cocky. 

I have a fault! My fault is worrying more about others than myself and you know what, I embrace it! I will use my fault to an advantage and i will better the lives of others to help benefit myself. By doing so i remind myself that not one person could do everything alone so I shouldn't try to do everything alone. 


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