{ pierced } app || Nana Suzuki



AFF's username: nanachirisuu

AFF's profile link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/17578



General information. 

~ Name: Nana Suzuki

~ Nick name: Female Choding

~ Stage name: Nana

~ Date of birth: 31 July, 1994 [17]

~ Place of birth: Osaka, Japan

~ Language(s) spoken: Japanese - fluent, Korean - fluent, English - Basic

~ Height: 157 cm

~ Weight: 49 kg

~ Ethnicity: Japanese/Korean



~ Style on dressing: Because Nana is the visual of the group, it's her job to dress like a pretty princess at all times. Even when she's just going out for a cup of coffee, or grocery shopping. For a casual day out, she'd usually wear skirts or shorts, she loves showing off her long legs. Because she is practically doomed with a flat-chest, she'll wear baggy shirts or thick jumpers. When she practices, simple sweats are enough. Because she sweats extremely easily, she'll wear shorts or a tanktop, dancing with sneakers or heels. Once she's on stage, though, she'll be transformed into the centre-face. Nana is the member that usually wears skirts through almost all performances, and because she's petite and small, heels. Once the sun is down, Nana tries her hardest to wear bright colours, because she's scared she'll get run over by a car if she wears black. Usually when it's cold, a thick jumper and skinny jeans would be alright, sometimes a beanie. Going on dates and she'll be all prepped up, with eyeliner and mascara, in a cute dress.

~ 5 pictures of yourself :
[1] : 
[2]: http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l6z3rm9KCq1qb7eyso1_500.jpg
[3]: http://upic.me/i/ty/8fhnn.jpg
[4]: http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kx3b0felz31qa5dcno1_400.jpg

Name of the Ulzzang: Choi Seo Hee


Personal information.

Personality: On the outside, she may look cute and harmless, but once you finally meet her, it's as if you hopped on a rollercoaster unwillingly. Those who are close to her will know to never, ever get on the badside of Nana Suzuki. Even when you're her best friend, she'll continue to prank you, waking you up with water guns and slime on your face. She is a girl full of unpredictable surprises, someone who is always joking around. Nana loves anime, and cosplaying as her favourite characters like Sailor Moon or Rilakkuma. She is a 4D girl who can change from cute sweetheart to evil bunny killer in five seconds. 

But one thing that will never change with Nana is her smile. When she laughs, she laughs with her whole body. As in, kicking, clapping, screeching, you name it. Though some say her laugh is unattractive and sounds like an ahjumma, to some, it's uplifting and cheerf
ul. Nana loves bright colours, but most of all she loves pink. Sometimes she can become a spoiled, stubborn child, saying things like, 'I'm not wearing that, it's not pink,' to the stylists.

Even as the infamous group's prankster, she still has a heart, and a life outside of annoying people. Nana is constantly eating, snacking on bread when nobody realises where she got it from. Unfortunately, as the group's visual, she has to manage her weight, so the company makes her diet and takes her snacks away. 

She is a girl who loves going outdoors, and hates reading books. She's never lazy, and has an unlimited amount of energy. Her image is sweet and alluring, an innocent girl who no one would suspect has ever done anything wrong...but only her bandmates, fans and family know that deep down, she's an evil genius.

A thing that Nana is a professional at is lying. She can twist the entire conversation to her side, straying away from questions like, 'What is Nana really like in real life?' As much as she loves tormenting people with her lame jokes and water balloons, she wouldn't tell anyone her secret plans, especially not in front of a camera. 

She is sometimes a really strange girl, wearing a moustache and crossdressing. When she dreams, it's of food and magical unicorns taking her to a place made of cake. Her sleeping habits are the worst. She kicks and regularly screams, occasionally talking, and always, always drooling. 

Another thing that she has recently become interested in is gore films. She loves watching guts spill out, even though most girls would scream and run away in terror, she loves the disgusting films. Even though she has a strong shell covering her true self, in reality there is one thing that she is afraid of... dogs.



~ Likes: Gore films, cosplaying, anime, food, eating, going on her computer, pranking people, dressing up, water guns, bananas, loud music, dancing while no one's around, lame jokes, old T.V shows, trot music, parodies.

~ Dislikes: Dogs, boring people, books, studying, dieting, staying inside.

~ Habits: When Nana is nervous, she'll scratch her thighs. Even while standing up. What she always does is twirl her hair, regardless of her mood. To look cute in front of the cameras, she'll pout, faking her natural aegyo. Once she's angry, it's a little obvious. Just beware waking up with worms in your bed. Once she's excited, she'll jump up and down crazily, screaming and dancing by herself.

~ Special talent: Chicken impersonation, trot version of any song, body gags, funny dancing.

~ Hobbies: Eating, going out, picnics, going to cafes, brushing her hair (?), annoying people, cooking (very messily).

~ Phobia: Dogs.


Stage information. 

~ Position: Visual, Lead Vocals

~ State why you deserve to the that position: Nana is not a girl who is just a pretty face. After training for 5 years, she is finally debuting. With strong, husky and high pitched ranges, she is aiming for the position of Lead Vocalist.

~ Personal fan club name: BaNanas.


Back ground:

~ Something about your past/childhood: When Nana was 7, she was just finishing a picnic in the park. After looking for hours and hours for her parents, she came upon a Golden Terrior. Though it looked innocent, it ran up to her, biting her ice-cream along with her hand. Though she screamed, only one man came to help her after a few minutes. They rushed her to the hospital, and though the dog hadn't bitten off her whole hand, she was left with a scar and a phobia of canines forever.

~ Back ground family:
Father - (Japanese) Jiro Suzuki, 55
Mother - (Korean) Hwang Yunji, 43
Siblings - Dai (m), 20. Daiki (m), 21. Daichi (m) 21. Daisuke (m), 24, Daitaro (m), 25.


~ Tell me something about your dad: Nana's father was born in Osaka. After meeting Yunji while on a business trip in Busan, he instantly fell in love. Determined, he convinced her to live with him in Japan, and when she finally agreed, they married and had 6 children. He works for a big company in Japan, for electronics.

~ Tell me something about your mum: Yunji was working as a poor farmer's daughter, picking out crops for a living until her knight in a shining suit came to rescue her. Though she was only 16, she agreed to return to his country and she lived happily since then.

~ Tell me something about your siblings: Living with five older brothers caused Nana to learn to live differently from most girls. She grew up with smelly socks and banana peels and learned to play around with guys, always playing sports instead of painting her nails. 


Relationship status.

~ Lover:
[choice 1]: Lee Sungyeol
[choice 2]: Kim Myungsoo

~ Love storyline with your bias: When they first met, fire blazed in both of their eyes. They finally met their match. Nana saw him as a competitor, another choding to prank, her rival. But in Sungyeol's eyes, she was a kid, a girl who was silly and didn't take her very seriously. Until Nana found out what he thought of her, and immediately planned her revenge, a smelly revenge filled with eggs and hair-dye and spiders.

Describe your bias personality during the story: Sungyeol is the choding that he really is. He is loud and obnoxious, almost as hyper as Nana. Together, they create one giant problem, and their fights always annoy the other bandmates. They dislike each other at first, but slowly he softens up.

~ Do you want your storyline with your bias included with rated scenes: I don't mind !

Rival: Sungyeol (Infinite). Choding against Choding, Nana's hated him from the moment they met. From the first cocky smirk she recieved, she planned all her evil plans. Although she pursues and provokes him first, she always blames Sungyeol. She compares her every move to her senior, always mimicking him in ways she doesn't realise herself.

~ Best friend: Daitaro (her brother). Nana's bestfriend is of course, her elder brother. He's been like a rolemodel to Nana since the day she was born. He taught her to walk and her first word was 'oni-san' [means older brother in japanese]. Whenever she has problems, she'll talk to him for advice, even though he'll usually say something like 'Super glue his hands together.'


Additional Info: Hope i make it in! fighting! if there's anything I need to change, please tell me ^^


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