
Okay,uhm,I don't know how to say this


Okay,I'm ready xD. Well, it's been awhile I haven't watch youtube.Like ages I guess. So, I was writing my fics then I sort of got bored so I decided to opened up the youtube. And there is one video on the featured list. The video cover was a korean girl and sort of korean words there. SO, I'm kinda curious who is this girl( she is so damn beautiful) and how the song like. Yeah, I click the video to watch it. And you know what, the song wasn't Korean at all. I mean not entirely Korean. And she is Malaysian :D ( Feeling proud xD). I can't believe my eyes at first but yeah she is Malaysian. She is so beautiful like the ones in Korean Drama or something related. I envy her alot T.T. Why she need to be so damn pretty?! Why?! Huhuhu T.T. You guys totally need to watch this video. You guys have too! It's a must.The song was quite a happy tune and I think I kinda like it.It was mostly chineese but the video have subs so don't worry about it ( I'm not chinese either). Well, enough of my blabbering and fangirling xD. You guys totally need to watch it.


Here's the link:

Check it out :D


Oh, and there's one thing you need to know

Her brother is a biggest fan of Kpop world and he's kinda good looking too.

Ahhhhh!!! Another bias wrecker xD

Enjoy listening and let me know some comments about the video okay? :)



Don't feel offended by the video. I know she says something bad about Korea. I feel ofended by it too but I just chill out. If it really hurts you, I have another video for you guys to watch. It's a parody. Just to make u feel better. Please be happy and cheerful, don't let that video make you down, okay?


Here is the link:

Enjoy ;)

and don't forget to laugh a little bit ^^



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kennocha #1
I'm definatly checking it out!
MALAYSIA CHABOR RIGHT? I love it toooooo.
The song was good but... she said something about Korea.. I agree but don't you think.. that's too much..
Arh..her voice really cute!I can't believe she Malaysian.she not look like Malaysian.why she sooo beautiful?'s really daebak!
b2uty_joker #5
Thanks for your rec. I'll check it out
wonderful_winter #6
i will watch it :)