what is writing

omffff i just have to vent about my inconsistent motivation levels 

i'm a slow writer anyway, but sometimes i feel like i can get a decent amount done at a time, and others every sentence feels like pulling teeth and i've just had so many of the pulling teeth days in a row i wanna smack myself a bit T.T whyyyyyyy

like i know what's gonna happen and stuff??? but IDK my mind is just like

and then he did this

and he was like cool

and then they did this

he looked up and it was cool

do you ever get in that mode when you can write but you realize it's not like...creative? sometimes i just get in a rut where i feel like i'm just telling what happens in a deadpan boring as hell way and i'm like ughhhhhhh

i feel like this with every story i write so i know i just gotta push through it but it's hard T.T i really wanna get the next chapter out to you guys who wait so patiently i appreciate it so much really >> 

granted this chapter is way longer than the other ones cuz idk it's just taking me longer to get through everything that needs to happen???? lOL anyway i hope to have it done by the end of the week at least sORRYY



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theperfnerd #1
I feel you, sunbae!
/scrolling through latest blog posts and--/

I'm a slow writer myself too and also experience a lot of motivation issues! And all of these lead me to procrastination (which explains why I was scrolling through blog posts atm// crey).

What I want to say is that all of us experience these things while writing but I think what's important is that you don't stop writing. Sometimes, even when I'm not in the mood, I write. Then, I suddenly find myself having written a thousand words.

So I suggest that you don't stop writing just because you don't have motivation(which will eventually come sooner or later). Just have the plot in mind and write. You can always edit after. Or if the problem is that you're feeling as if you really can't write. TAKE A BREAK. We all need one and sometimes, we get the motivation and inspiration back after a good one. Drink coffee, watch TV, go outside for a walk, listen to music, reflect on why you stan kpop idols--anything, really.

//I hope this helped and I wish you luck. lol silly rambling. rUns away//