Wishful Thinking

I wish I had someone other than my dad to talk to about the things that I like. 

Or maybe I wish he would listen to me and not get mad and annoyed. 

I just watched Attack on Titan, and I loved it because I love action and violence and things like that when it comes to anime. 

I want to be able to talk about it and fangirl over it. 

I wish I had someone around me who would listen and be just as excited as I am. 

I wish Kylee was still around, but ya know, I don't fit into her lifestyle anymore. 

I don't drink, she does; I don't smoke, she does; I got to college, she has a job where she works three days a week.

We were best friends in high school, but I guess it's understandable that we've grown apart. Our friend Swisher always told us that we would, but it's something different when it's a reality.

Needless to say, she doesn't have time for me anymore, and I can't really talk to anyone from school for various reasons.

I just wish I had someone to talk to face-to-face. I have Maddie, and I love that I have Maddie and I'm not saying this to make her sad, but I just wish I had someone here that could come to my house or I could go to their house and we could talk about anime and Kpop and I wouldn't have to worry. 

I wouldn't feel like I don't fit in anywhere. 

I guess that's just what I wish for the most. 

To Fit In. 


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