
Hey guys! It's been a while since I posted my last blog post. I just wanted to tell you guys that I want to do a Q&A kind of thing. You guys can ask me questions about anything :) "What's your favorite song?" or Who's your favorite member in BTOB?" Just anything! All you guys have to do is comment your questions below this blogpost and then I will post your questions and my answers on my next blogpost. I will except about 16 questions. 

It's 2:40 am and I should go to sleep since I finished writing my next chapter of "Popular Song" which will be updated soon. So bye!:)


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How many K-POP related things that you have (ex: albums, posters, pins, etc.)?

How do you imagine your meeting with your bias?
Would you design your car with your favorite kpop star? :D (design as putting stickers or somenthing?)
NinaTran17 #3
How did you get into Kpop? As in like what made you love Kpop and how did you first meet it? It's hard for me to explain but what's your story on how you entered the world of Kpop?