Short People Problem

I can safely say that I'm short with my 155cm while living in the Netherlands a.k.a the land of giants. I have friends by which I almost break my neck when trying to look them in the eyes.

Another thing is shopping. I already dislike shopping and on top of that I can't find any trousers that fit well, the legs are way too long. Stuff is either too small or there fits another me inside of it.

Am I the only one that has this problem?


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I'm only 165.1 cm, and I'm the shortest out of my friends lol.
You Dutch? Me too! But i am one of those giants i guess XDD Pants are always too short for me T.T
nope! i'm pretty small too.. ^.^'' don't worry you are not the only one alone in thiss world :D i'm 1.53 -.-
i'm 132 and i'm 12 yo xD imma short!!!
shining_writer #5
Well, I'm 145cm. I have an inferiority complex because of it, I just want to grow taller, not because I think it'll make me look better but because it's also inconvenient as well.
Dude I'm like 155.5 (what's the difference) and I am sixteen. And I have been this tall since 2009 orz ;-;