My endless WIPs. OTL

Mermaid's Tears (Give Me Hope)

[A/N: Idk when I'll try to finish this...I keep holding it off...I tend to forget I'm also a writer...I just keep reading someone else's story and neglect mine... /sorry/]

A cold, tinkering laughter ensues from the male, “Think hard about the deal. It’s not so bad, after all. I win, you win. What’s there to not like?”

“Leave, siren. Go, before I blast you away.” Jongin’s eyes flash a menacing red to the unwelcome intruder.

“Tsk, tsk. Always so boring. Loosen up, sea witch. There’s more to earn in this bargain I’m offering. You gain your lovely little mermaid, while I gain my wonderful human.” Luhan tuts at him.

“I refuse to stoop myself to your level.” Jongin sneers, “You should return the human immediately. Oceana knows how unworthy you are to receive such affection from the human.”

Luhan’s eyes gleam its icy blue hue, “Watch your words, sea witch. I can immediately kill the one thing that brings joy to your naive little mermaid. Wouldn’t want to see him broken now, right?”

“I’m giving you three days, siren,” Jongin turns his back to Luhan. “If the human’s not returned, you shall face his lover’s wrath, including mine. Say your farewells to the boy, although I doubt he’ll reciprocate such pleasantries to you.”

Luhan hisses and leaves thunderously. After making sure the siren is far away, only does Jongin slump in his cave, torn at his decision. He did make the correct decision, right? Yet, how come it leaves such a bitter aftertaste in his tongue?


Playing God

[A/N: based off this weird dream of mine]


There is truth lost amidst the spectacular lies, a hidden fact beneath the flimsy tales, and the obscene reality overshadowed by the saccharine like fantasies.

A dream can mean many different things. It can be random vivid scenes that the mind simply conjures, or memories of past events long forgotten in the confines of the far distant yesterday. It could also be about the monochromatic routine of everyday mundane life, or premonitions of a soon to be disaster recipe.


Luhan dreams of endless green pastures from a far away place on a distant time. He doesn’t understand why, but the land is so familiar yet alien to him, almost as if the unknown land recognizes and embraces him as their own child. He hears of echoed laughter ringing along the soft meadow breeze. He closes his eyes. He was home.



Two figures emerge from the horizon, two boys holding hands with glee painted on their faces. They look like siblings, basing on their features, although one had golden tresses and the other possessed dark ebony locks.


The scenes changed and Luhan sees chaos written all over the once peaceful land. Something or someone had distorted the happiness that was running freely across the land. He finds himself in a predicament, he notices he can sympathize with the boy with hair as dark as midnight and understands his train of thoughts.


The Crumbling Legacy

[A/N: demons and shaman au. a little bit based off my dreams]


The world we live in is a scam. It’s just a mirage of empty promises that whisper lies to cover its ugly face.


Seeing is plain deceiving. People only choose to see what’s convenient for them because the unknown is insufficient and ideal shattering. The unknown strips them off their defenses and leaves them bare, much to their discontent. However, seekers and dreamers see past through the mirage. What they see aren’t baseless dreams. They see the world to its full potential, and, once their eyes open, the truth is then unraveled.


The world is always changing. It’s a constant occurrence.


The unknown is real and inconvenient but, nonetheless, a fact.

Nightmares are real. They are us.


Kim Jongin is a normal teenager with normal worries. He’s just another regular freshman in college who’s finally well adjusted to the quirks of college and is about ready to accept the challenges sophomore year will offer.


Or so he would like to assure himself.


Kim Jongin is a freshman majoring in dance and theater nearing sophomore year, and he’s just like the rest, but he sees more than he should be able to.


He sees more than the eye should be allowed and comprehends more than the human brain should process. If psychics sees the nonliving, Jongin sees the essence of the living. He also sees the monsters that feed off those essences. Since he was a child, he already knew he was the queer one. What normal child goes around spouting about a person’s essence like a greeting, anyway? None but him.


Jongin tries hard in disregarding his ability but, try as he may, it’s a part of who he is and he can’t change that. He confided to his mom about his skill, albeit reluctant to confess in fear of rejection, and was deliberately told to embrace it.


Apparently,  it was a skill passed down generation to generation on his mother’s side. It was usually passed down to one female per generation but, once in a while, it skips a generation and befalls on a male. And said male happens to have been him.

His mother told him not to worry as it won’t affect him in any way, but what would his mom know? It skipped her generation so they’re just as clueless as he is when it comes to handling this type of situation.


The Better Evil

[A/N: demons and angels au]

Darkness. Everything around him is consumed in darkness and he really should have known beforehand that darkness was all he ever will come back to. Creatures of the night never belong to the light, they are forever forsaken to the deep murky shadows of never ending despair.


The entity stepped forward, eyes blazing with such red ferocity, and touched the cage that held him captive. He can feel the buzz of high magic weaved and strewn through the cage, he should know, his very being is made of magic. The strong smell of burnt flesh wafts through the air but he doesn’t mind, even though his hand is sizzling with blisters boiling up.


Did they really think a puny cage like this could contain him? It was funny, hilarious even. They went through all ends of the world just to catch him. Him. Do they really entertain such thoughts that sorcerers and witches, no matter the high level they have attained, can seize control of him?



No one controls darkness but darkness itself.


Find A Way (To Bring Myself Back Home To You)

[A/N: inspired by Maroon 5's song Sunday Morning]

Kim Jongin is a walking contradiction, his many admirers would attest to that. He can be cold as the Arctic breeze, hot as the blazing summer heat, or soft like the fragrant spring air. The air of mystery that surrounds him is so thick no one deemed themselves worthy enough for him. However, his friends would certainly like to differ. If you were to ask them how Kim Jongin is in their point of view they would unanimously describe him as a hopeless puppy.


Kim Jongin is a walking contradiction, a maze with endless complexity, his admirers certainly can’t figure him out. His friends think he’s just a fool, a simpleton who only has the ability to do one thing, and one thing only. Pining for a certain wide, doe eyed boy with the angelic voice that goes by the name Do Kyungsoo.


Kim Jongin is a fool in love who does his best in loving Kyungsoo, and Kyungsoo only. He’s a contradiction who unravels and turns into an easy equation which can be answered with a less than three towards Kyungsoo. If he were to be a puzzle piece, he’d be the other half to a two piece puzzle with Kyungsoo, of course, being the other half.




It's Just Sometimes


[A/N: inspired by my guy best friend. thanks L even though you don't know about this lol]


Sometimes, love isn’t all about the sparks and fizzles in life that overly romantic people describe in their saccharine-filled novels. Sometimes, it is the comforting lull and familiarity that anchors a deep sense of security inside someone that enables them to fall in love. Sometimes, just sometimes, it takes only a bud of friendship to formulate a what would be soon strong threshold of love.


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