Awkward #3

Hi whoever is reading this some of these are awkward moments others are just random things that happen^_^

1. That awkward moment where you have to make an excuse not to hang out with someone because you'd rather just chill at home.

2. IM GOING TO PUNCH YOU IN THE MOUTH WITH MY OWN mouth because I like you...

3. That awkward moment where someone deletes a comment off a status and it looks like you were talking to yourself.

4. That awkward moment where your trying to explaine to someone how a song goes...but you don't really want to sing it.

5. That awkward moment where your playing with your pen in class and it flys across the room..

6. Trying to complete a task before the microwave hits 00:00

7. That awkward moment where you make a stupid face and your crush is looking right at you.

8. Normal girls running^_^ me running... Lol just kidding I don't run

8. That awkward moment where your trying to get over someone you never dated.

9. That awkward moment where your moms doing the dishes, so you slowly put one in and walk away fast

10. Thoes funny moments that you randomly rember, and you can't stop smiling 

11. That awkward moment you get a message and you just smile and your screen like a weirdo

12. My parents say it's there house  but when it's time to clean it's suddenly  my house to ...okay

13. Listening to someone tell a story and just thinking" lie,lie,lie,lie,lie"

14. That awkward moment where you get a Mini hart attack because you can't feel your phone/iPad in your pocket 

15. Watching a scary movie and thinking " No don't kill him he's CUTE!!"

16. That awkward moment where someone says to say more about yourself and your just like" omg who am I"

17. I have a bad habit of laughing at inapropreate things

18. Sending  a girl a message that says " I love you beautiful." Can change her whole attitude for the whole day.

19. Please stop being cute it makes my heart sad because I'll never get to see you :'c

20. When it's feels like the lyric of a song was written just for you 

well I hope you liked it ~love ya~ 


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I agree with most of the things here listed :)
Hahahahaha i love your awkward stuff :3 i didn't realize mine if i haven't read this.

Well make more awkwards moments authornim :))
"That awkward moment where your trying to get over someone you never dated."

hohohoho lmao this. Im hit!
Daebak number one. Hahaha

Ps: i do that most of the time :D