Username Change

Hello one and all,

Seeing how I rarely write blogposts, this probably just for future references to everyone and no one.

I have changed my username from "WhiteIce" to "asmallcatastrophe".

Just to clear up any confusion.

"Why?" you may ask.

I suppose I never was into my previous username.

And my new username is a freaking oxymoron. How cool is that?

Or perhaps I'm just a fickle person.

Yeah, that sounds about right.

Anyways, enough blathering.

This probably doesn't interest you, so I'll tell one fact about myself.

I really like socks.

When people give me socks as a present, it's one of the greatest things ever.

But they got to be cool socks.

None of that monochrome white socks you got.

But some awesome color like maroon is cool.



P.S. I've always wondered to myself. What do I do about my posters? They have my previous username, so it might cause some confusion. But I'm too lazy to change it.


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Oh it's interesting your liking of socks ^^, hugs.