PR7NCE- Yoo Sungjong





Name: ... Yoo Sungjong 유성종

Other Names: ...Japanese Name: Shigehito Saruwatari (His birth name given to him by his mother)

Nicknames: Shigo or Saru


Age: ... Twenty two

Birthday: ...June 24th, 1992

Ethnicity: ..Japanese+Korean

Blood Type: 0

Languages: ... Korean-fluent, Japanese-fluent

Height: ...5"8

Weight: ... 124 kg



Personality: Sungjong is a very organized and responsible person. He always puts others first before himself and never judges you even if you do something wrong. He tends to be very protective especially of s, whom he sees as a family considering he never really had much of one growing up. He's the type who tends to hide how he really feels however. If he's angry or upset, he tries hiding it so others don't fret or worry about him.

He's also quite the social butterfly. Sungjong loves meeting new people and lending others a hand when they need it most.

Sungjong is very honest as well. He doesn't like hurting others, but, if he feels you're out of line with something he will tell you and not just sit there and take your insults. He believes in voicing your opinion but not being a jerk about it.

Unlike most people, Sungjong is very calm under intense or stressful situations. He tries not to panic if things look bad he thinks rationally and logically about  things. He also believes some things you just have no control over, so it's not worth getting stressed if you have no control over it.

His negative traits are that he's impatient, sometimes a little on the arrogant side, he tends to pride himself in everything he does which is a turn off for some people, bossy, too protective and imature.



» Sungjong was born and raised in Tokyo, Japan but he didn't have the happiest of times there. His mother was a very harsh woman: She verbally and physically abused Sungjong and his father, but on the outside she had a charming personality that could fool anyone. She constantly belittled Sungjong in everything he did, pretty much took control of everything it was a living hell in a nutshell. But finally by the time he turned eighteen, after calling some family members in South Korea him and his father managed to escape that horrible woman and started a new life in Seoul and for the better.

Ever since he was a child, Sungjong had had dreams of becoming either an actor or muscisian so he decided to take up some acting classes while he went to college after deciding what he wanted to be. A scout from SM spotted him working at a local cafe and asked if he'd like to audition for the company.

Delighted, Sungjong took up on that offer and auditioned which he eventually got a spot as a trainee. And he hasn't looked back on it since.


  • » Listening to music
  • Acting
  • Sweet iced teas
  • Anything chocolate
  • Pandas



» Thunderstorms

  • Messy rooms
  • Ignorant people
  • Bullies
  • Sasaengs



  • » Sewing
  • Video games
  • Photography



  • » Being too nagging
  • Daydreams
  • Snores in his sleep



» Being buried alive



  • » He's an atheist
  • Favorite female idol is Ailee
  • Favorite male idol is Yuya Matsua
  • Loves Jrock
  • His favorite food is beef ramen and teramisu cake
  • Favorite play is Phantom of The Opera
  • Least favorite is Romeo and Juliet
  • Has a fear of mice but won't admit it
  • Loves sewing since it relaxes him sometimes
  • Minor interest in politics
  • He had a minor role in Bap's One-Shot mv as one of the rival gangs.
  • Favorite movie is Hunger Games
  • Plays video games on his free time
  • Has a cat named Mikasa named after his favorite manga character



Family: ( Mother | Yuko | 49| Doctor| Charming, manipulative, vengeful | Zero closeness

» Father|Hyungjin| 53| Police officer| Quiet, positive and forgiving| Very close

Best Friends: ( )( Jackson Wang| 20| Got7 member|  | Almost like brothers)

» ...

Friends: ( Idols only )( Name | Age | Occupation | Describe personality | How you interact )

» ...



Love Interest: ...Kim Minseok

Age: Twenty three

How you met:

» Minseok and Sungjong met on an interview together actually. Sungjong had always had a little crush on Minseok since he first watched an Exo MV so they were pretty awkward around each other. It took them months before they actually started seeing one another more: They wanted to get to know each other first before they decided if they wanted to date each other.

How you interact:

» Minseok and Sungjong are known as the 'Quiet Couple' since they don't really talk much when they're together. They spare a few, furtive glances at one another but they're pretty much awkward turtles but they do get along well.

Back up Love Interest: Jongdae

Age: 21

How you met:

» Jongdae and Sungjong had a very 'interesting' encounter actually. They met when Jongdae was being chased by some crazy sasaengs and Sungjong got him out of that situation safely thankfully.

How you interact:

» Very mature though they can have immature moments of course. But other then that they act just like how any couple would act. Except both are very shy kissing in public or holding hands in fear of what others would think or react.


Face Claim: Kim Myung Jae

Gallery: GALLERY

Back up Face Claim: Lee Dohyeong

Gallery: GALLERY



Stage Name: Shiro

Training Years: Three

Trainee Life: Trainee life was rather tough for Sungjong. He worked constantly everyday to get where he is now. Lots of back breaking and hard work involved but it was all worth it he hoped anyway. Sometimes his instructors were rather harsh with him, some even smacked him around a bit but he knew they were just doing it not out of being mean but to motivate him which it did actually. To this day he says he owes all his success to his trainers and instructors, thanking them for everything they'd done.

Position: Main Vocalist

Persona: Awkward Panda

Fanclub Name: Lil'Pandas

Fanclub Color: Black And White

Singing Twin: Jaejoong

Dancing Twin: ...

Rapping Twin: ...

Talking Twin: Shim Changmin


» Acting, modeling, mcing


» Twitter @Sungjongie

Instagram @LilPanda


Comments: I just hope I got everything right ^^;

Questions: ...

Scene Requests: Oh: How about a scene where Sungjong is bullied by some antis and Xiumin tries to cheer him up about it? And maybe a scene where his mother Yuko flies to South Korea to try and destroy his career?

Scandals/Rumors: A rumor that Sungjong is dating Tao which makes Xiumin think Sungjong really is but it was just a rumor spreaded by spiteful fans to make Sungjong look bad.


Suggestions: Nope I'm good ^^

Password: Either steak or hamburger ^^ But hamburger over steak







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