I Swear I'm Gonna Kick His . =_=

The hell man?

i woke up this morning and some guy message me on FB that he wants me to be his girlfriend.

That is just messed up man.

i swear I will kick his . 

And he's a year younger than me too!

damn it. I know I'm overreacting to most of you but I seriously don't like online relationships and I don't even know the guy!




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lols. Is he good looking? Cause if is, you at least have a cute dongsaeng. JK!

Just.....move on
Whitesider #2
Lol !!!! Add Me !
Oh man~~ What a way to spoil your morning. Don't bother?
Have a great day!
At least it's someone younger than you. It happened to me more than five times and all of them were es. -.-