I'm sick again

I feel like I'm gonna throw up every time I move. My mum said it was okay for me to stay home for my first class. And Im still home even though my second class started half an hour ago and my mum doesn't know I'm still here.

Which means whenever she gets up, she will start screaming at me. 

Oh happy days.

She's always getting mad at me for being sick. I don't understand it.  I understand its bad for me to take as many sick days as I do, but I can't really go to school if I have a migraine or if I feel like I'm gonna vomit whenever I move. 

Idk she gets so mad when I'm sick. And then she yells at me for anything and everything. This one time, I was throwing up and she was standing outside the bathroom talking about how I'm a failure and how she's tired of 'having to walk on eggshells' around me so I don't get upset. 


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