Yeah, I'm doing that.

So I have been writing fictional stories for school and I have really liked it. But I still didn't feel inclined to acutally write a full length story and I didn't even think to publish something I wrote. Then I got the good'ol push off the cliff. I read a blog post by JunhyungLuv about a one shot writing contest and I thought eh, I don't like one shots. So then I started thinking and writing and now I am writing a full length fan-fic! I already wrote the Foreword and Chapter One and I'm excited. So yeah that all. Thanks JunhyungLuv for doing that post, It really encouraged me. So YAY! 


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Oh my gosh, I can`t believe I actually managed to encourage someone to write a full length story ^^
I am sooo happy for you! :D
Good luck with your story and I am glad I could help! ^^