That Sad Moment When...

you miss writing stories...

I must confess. 

Though I may pose the risk of sounding a little over-dramatic, I miss my stories like CRAZY! I may just be going through withdrawals (now that just sounds plain STUPID) but man those pairings have got me hooked. I open a new Word document and prepare myself for a new journey with original characters, but that little voice in the back of my head starts to pester (Psst...are you sure you don't want to pair your biases together? You know you want to). Then my feels start hitting me from every direction.


Then I go on tumblr and see things like this:


LAWD HAVE MERCY! O-O /spontaneous nose bleed/


 And then I end up in a corner like this:


Like what is air?! It's obvious that I'm not getting any of it! Oh my God the struggle is soo real right now and major thug tears are being shed. It's like the old saying goes, "You never know how much you miss something until it's gone." 


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Why don't you write them if you miss them so much? :-(
just start to write it again..
SHINeeFever_95 #3
Then write it, even if you won't post it anywhere... just get it out of you. You know, it's like bolting up anger, it will end up exploding... Write, you'll eventually stop for real when it's time. Believe me, I tried to stop writing too... but I gave up to that little voice easily (maybe too easily).

Just open a word document and write, it'll be better for you... you know, helping avoid a mental breakdown... T_T why go torture yourself even more on trumbl??