Fill in the blanks (stolen)

1. name: Ari
2. birthday:  4th February 
3. favorite color: Red and white
4. lucky number: 5
5. height: 164 (is that short? I've been told I'm short...but I think I'm quite tall? like wtf) 


1. last dream you remember: to do with throwing food? 
2. can you juggle: 2 really slowly lol 
3. art/sports/both: neither. I really hate sports and art (colouring is not my style) 
4. do you like writing: Love it ^0^ 
5. do you like dancing: Um...another thing I'm not good at. 
6. do you like singing: My passion <3 (see I am good at something) 


1. dream vacation: Anywhere beautiful? Paris, Venice, Italy...Korea obviously lol 
2. dream date: Wherever...I don't mind as long as he makes it fun
3. dream guy/gal/enby: Passionate, funny, takes care of me, gentleman (*cough* Chanyeol *cough*)
4. dream wedding: Beach/ outdoor, spring wedding at night with like fairy lights *.*

5. dream pet: Dog (I've wanted one since i was 5)
6. dream job: I want to go into music...but currently going into medicine seems likely for me. 


1. favorite song: Goodbye Summer - F(x) & D.O (story of my life) and Moonlight - EXO (also the story of my life) basically anything to do with sad things is my life lmao
2. favorite album:  ......EXO......all of them......
3. favorite artist: EXO, SNSD, Zhang Liyin (do you a trend? I'm a huge SM stan) 
4. last song you heard on the radio: (what's a radio? lol) I dunno 
5. least favorite song: Crayon Pop - Bababa (black sheep)
6. least favorite album: idek.
7. least favorite artist: Crayon pop (I'm a biased person, what can I say?)


1. guys/girls/enbies: Guys
2. hair color: Chocolate brown 
3. eye color: blueeeeeee
4. humorous/serious: humorous otherwise I'll get bored (I kid.) 
5. taller/shorter: taller. 
6. biggest turn-off: cockiness
7. biggest turn-on: playing with kids (errrmmmmagerrrd don't even get me started) but I wouldn't like jump on his in front of the kids, y'know? 


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JouJouBexotobap #1
Omfg I lurrrrrrrve blue eyes *Q* you're weird haha xD well dear, you ARE short loool at least in my country, I am 169 alright u____u (Kirin Kirin~~) but oh we'll I don't mind my bestie is 176 XDDDD and my sis says tall girls are y .____. She's short so she always mocks me about being cute -.,- I love singing too :3 also drawing (i draw chiby )... working hard on dancing tho xD