I Was Bored, Here you go.

1. Name: Reila
2. DOB: 7-7-98
3. Birthplace: Baton Rouge, Louisiana
4. Current location: How about, no?
5. Eye color: Chocolate Brown
6. Hair Color: Black
7. Height: 5'2 1/2
8. Heritage: Mixed of Everything
9. Piercings: Monroe - Both Ears
10. Tattoos: None
11. Favorite Band/Singer: The GazettE - Mejibray - Black Veil Brides - Dir en Grey
12. Favorite Song: Coffin/InTheEnd/Bulletproof-BVB | Emily/Shuuei/Divergence- Mejibray
13. Favorite Genre of Music: Rock/Metal
14. Favorite Color(s): Purple-Black-Grey-Red-White
15. Favorite TV show(s): Anything Anime-Game of Thrones
16. Favorite Movie(s): R.E.D-Legion-Taken-Silent Hill-Anything Marvel/DC
17. Favorite Food: Leek Soup - Bacon
18. Favorite Store: Hot Topic-Rue 21
19. Favorite Number: 7
20. Favorite Drink: Tea / Root Beer
21. Favorite Clothing Brand: Uhm..Not sure.
22. Favorite Shoe Brand: Don't have one
23. Favorite Animal: Fox - Wolf - Tiger
24. Favorite Pizza topping: Bacon
25. Favorite Season: Winter
26. Favorite Month: July - January
27. Favorite Holiday: Easter
28. Favorite Flower: Tiger Lily - Rose
29. Sunny or rainy: Rainy
30. Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
31. Fruit or veggie: Fruit
32. Night or day: Night
33. Sour or sweet: Sour
34. Love or money: Love
35. Phone or in person: I'm awkward either way
36. Poor & happy or rich & miserable: Poor & Happy
37. Looks or personality: Personality - People now days all look the same.
38. Coffee or tea: Coffee
39. Hot or cold: ..Cold. I can put more clothes on, I can only take so much off.
40. Goal for this year: Get thin-Perfect my Cage bass solo
41. Most missed memory: When I had friends in person.
42. Best physical feature: Eyes
43. First thought waking up: "Crap, it's morning"
44. Do you wanna get married: Yes
45. Do you wanna have kids: Yes
46. If so, how many: At least two
47. Do you wanna go to college: Yes
48. What do you want to be: Bassist
49. Do You Dance in the rain: Yes
50. Do You Smoke: No
51. Do You Drink: No
52. Do You Shower daily: No OTL But I'm not gross
53. Do You Like thunderstorms: Yes
54. Do You Curse: Mentally
55. Do You Sing: Mentally xD
56. Do You Play an instrument: Bass / Drums
57. Do You Think you are good looking: At times
58. Do You Get along with your parents: Most of the times
59. Can you whistle: Yes
60. Right or left handed: Ambidextrous
61. Your bedtime: When I fall asleep xD
62. Biggest fear: Never reaching my goal
63. 3 things you can't live without & why: Music (I have focusing problems, music helps me concentrate. If I don't have music, I get fidgety and anxious), Pen & Paper (I always have to have a way to write) Ipod (My friends are all online)
64. Color of your room: ....My walls are covered with paper
65. Siblings: Four brothers(Aaron, Jesse, Josh, William) & One sister(Jessica)
66. Middle name: ...Rose
67. Pets: One Dog(Kanon) & One Cat(Blackjack)
68. Nicknames: Rei, ReiRei, Lala, Shelly, Bear, Teddy, Meme, Meto..orz
69. For or against gay marriage: ...I have no thoughts on this, I'm a Christian but I'm not a homophobe..
70. Thoughts on abortion: It's wrong & disgusting
71. If you could be anywhere right now where would you be: With My TsuTsu, Kris <3
72. Do you wear contacts/glasses: I should be wearing glasses but no
73. Are you afraid of the dark: I'm afraid of what's in the dark
74. Where is your dream vacation spot: Paris.
75. The person you look up to: Yoshiki Hayashi - Takanori Matsumoto - Andrew Biersack - Tooru Niimura - Hideto Matsumoto


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