Fill in the blanks

just got it from RoyalKim (:


1. name:  Kerstin
2. birthday:  1st August 1996
3. favorite color: Pink, blue, purple...or just piNK
4. lucky number: 7, 22, idek why
5. height: 169cm, I'm too tall.


1. last dream you remember: That psycho dream I'm writing a fic of :D
2. can you juggle: I used to, not anymore
3. art/sports/both: kinda both
4. do you like writing: YES
5. do you like dancing:  YES
6. do you like singing: I sound like a tortured, sick cat


1. dream vacation: MURRICA
2. dream date: Chilling in the park, talking, eating niceee semitschkis! *Russians will understand*
3. dream guy/gal/enby:  adorable behaviors, maybe stupid ones, oh and funny and sweet eyes!
4. dream wedding: anything, I just want nothing to be wrong :D I WANNA BE ING PRINCESS

5. dream pet: Unicorn or something? myb cat huehuehue
6. dream job: successful graphic designer omg all of my yisss


1. favorite song: Anything rap and ballad
2. favorite album: Srsly?
3. favorite artist: Block B and underground acts, sorry much
4. last song you heard on the radio: Russian song, idk
5. least favorite song: By now: 2PM & Girls' Generation - Cabi Song, idk, I listened to it a lot and now asdfghjkl
6. least favorite album: idk
7. least favorite artist: 2PM woooooooooooops wat


1. guys/girls/enbies: da boissss
2. hair color:  lol I think it's brown *JUST MAYBE BLONDE, IDK*
3. eye color: brown or green yuss
4. humorous/serious: humorous
5. taller/shorter: taller but I think my crush currently is my height :D
6. biggest turn-off: stinking bastard ew, as for things and whatnot: ES, you know thOSE REAL Y ES
7. biggest turn-on: With normal stuff: Anything pink, gamer stuff, naiL POLISH wat. Boys and whatnot: Gorgeous eyes and smile, trustworthy!


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samyeol #1
"I WANNA BE A ING PRINCESS" ahahahahaha this is so cute ideky