another random questionnaire thingy


1. name:  Robyn
2. birthday:  November 23
3. favorite color: deep purple
4. lucky number: don't really have one
5. height: 5’ 5”


1. last dream you remember: I tied Key to a tree.... =/
2. can you juggle: not really
3. art/sports/both: art
4. do you like writing: when I'm in the right mood
5. do you like dancing: uh... I hate discos and stuff.... but it would be kind of cool to learn ballroom maybe....
6. do you like singing: mhmm


1. dream vacation: mountains and water
2. dream date: beautiful walk, hand in hand, snuggling on a bench/on the grass... just something really simple
3. dream guy/gal/enby: *shrugs*
4. dream wedding: I have so many different ideas I cant shove them all together... not too many people though, nothing huge.
5. dream pet: Gecko
6. dream job: graphic designer.photographer


1. favorite song: it changes all the time, but currently, probably Monster by Big Bang
2. favorite album: no idea...
3. favorite artist: I have so many! ><
4. last song you heard on the radio: uh.... I don't listen to it much, I don't remember =/
5. least favorite song: cant think of one
6. least favorite album: see above
7. least favorite artist: ditto


1. guys/girls/enbies: for , girls, for romance, either.
2. hair color: I'm not too bothered, but I really like dark red/burgundy colour... and black....
3. eye color: blue, but I'm not too bothered
4. humorous/serious: depends on my mood
5. taller/shorter: definitely taller
6. biggest turn-off: cockiness
7. biggest turn-on: for a guy – playing with children... it so cute ^^ for a girl... being snugly. I love snuggles...



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