7 Confessions [stolen]

1) Confession about Family:
My mom had me in her 40's which means she is now in her 60's. I am 16 years old. I often lie about her age when people ask. I usually shave off 10 or 20 years. It's not that I am ashamed. I admire her for carrying me safely for 9 months and then withstanding a C-Section to deliver me. I just don't want people to tease, judge, or question my mom or me. Some people can be so mean sometimes. 
2) Confession about Love:
I've been in 3 relationships. One of them, I dated a person I had 0 feelings for. It lasted 2 months and I decided that it was unfair to be in that type of relationship for both of us. After a breakup I always avoid the person so there's no awkwardness. I haven't been in a relationship where I truly in love. Personally I prefer a less exclusive and serious relationship. Talk about the future is terrorfying to me. I like relaxing and easy going relationships. Ok, that was a whole bunch combined into one..
3) Confession about Abilities:
Abilities?? Well I am a major procrastinator. I put things off a lot. Also if I find something boring I will not focus and put 100% into it. Especially when it comes to school or cleaning up the house. If I don't feel like it or if I don't want to or if it's boring I will put it off until the last minute and then not try my best. I really need to break this habit. But on things I am interested in I was totally focused on and I give it my all.
4) Confession about Food:
Ever since I started puberty I have had a love-hate relationship with food. I started gaining weight and every time I go to the doctor they tell me I'm overweight and need to lose weight. I try to go on diets but I always drop them quickly. I can't go any longer than a week without pop (soda) or icecream. I will start craving it badly and I can't shake it until I get it. They are my enemies but I love them so much. I will need to give them up in order to lose weight though. 
5) Confession about Money:
 I am really cautious with my money. I try to spend it wisely and I think about every purchase. If it's above $5 I have a hard time buying things for people. And I really don't want to share anything I buy with others either. I like to keep my things to myself. I also have a hard time allowing people to buy things for me. If it is expensive I don't want them to buy it for me. But if it is cheap I encourage them to buy it for me. I'm so weird...
6) Confession about Lies:
I mostly lie to get out of not going somewhere. If my friends ask me to go somewhere I make up a make excuse so I don't have to go. I sound so anti-social... LOL Depending on the lie I usually feel guilty afterwards. I hate lying to get out of trouble. I feel paranoid the whole time. I am huge on honest. I like to tell the truth as much as possible and I hate to be lied to. This is why I feel guilty for lying.
7) Confession about AFF:
Almost all the stories I read on AFF are Rated M. I really don't like reading anything rated below that. I feel like if it doesn't have it's a waste of time. I also don't like when is rushed or poorly written. To me it's equal to no at all and I stop reading it. But I admire Rated M stories with amazing plotlines.


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Do you read ? :3
your* damn typos
Well I don't see whats wrong with you mom's age.
My mom had me when she was only 19 (with my dad who's like 14 years older) and people don't judge her. :3