Yo Guys.

Does anybody know a good skin care product?

My skin is like...


And my lips are a bit chapped too.

So can you guys recommend me any good skin care products from Korea?

I don't want Etude House though...


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drink lots of water, and I use burt's bees chapstick, which has really helped. But it has peppermint oil in it, so it burns just a little bit after you first place it on, but afterwards your lips stay smooth for a long time.

I don't know any from korea, but Biore's charcoal face wash, and it has been very helpful, I used to have like supper bad acne on my forehead, and the facewash made it go away, and also make your skin softer and much more smoother.
Drink a lot of WATER when it comes to dry lips. However I don't know when it comes to Korean skin products because I'm not familiar with them.
what kind of skin problems are you having?
i'll ask my sis
I only know lipice 0.0
The Face Shop! Definitely the face shop. + body shop. theyre rly cheap!

I know Exo is like the model for Nature Republic and stuff but trust me.. they don't work. like, at all. /tried everything lmao

Elianto is very good too, esp their facewash.

Skinfood, to me, is the best bc theyre organic though veerrryyy expensive here in malaysia!
hope that helped!