I don't do this very often but please help Australia.

Our Prime minister (Tony Abott) is an .  He wants to make abortion illegal, abolish the pension so people with disabilities won't get any money, he is homophobic so no equal. He wants to privatize out heath care so no free heath care "Abortion is the easy way out. It’s hardly surprising that people should choose the most convenient exit from awkward situations."Tony Abbott, March 17th, 2004. He also said women were inferior to men Katy Perry even said he was bad.

And now he has made massive budget cuts to our education and wants to make the minum wage lower.

 and after all of the misogynistic, homophobic and generally disgusting decisions Tony Abbott has made on behalf of the population of Australia. It has just come out that he is trying to put $245 million in to having anti-gay/anti-trans/anti-lgbt chaplains in public schools. In the budget there has been numerous cuts to education and funding for low-income people to attend school, but he is willing to put so much money into having anti-lgbt chaplains in PUBLIC schools. Australian public schools are not meant to have a stance on religion, teachers are not allowed to encourage or persuade students with religion. So how is it acceptable for this to be happening. He has discriminated and treated people unfairly for too long and this needs to stop.

so please help sign this petition to stop him.




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oh my G...