Help Me :(

Today Has been a roller coaster of emotions and I have no one to talk to anout it. 


First me and my bf almost broke up over a stupid fight

then he tels me he was "flirting" with a girl at his work but thats all, and i let it go

then i found out it was flirting and a kiss on his cheek, and i let it go

then i found out it wasnt a peck on the cehck it  was two lip kisses

and I was lettign it go thinking it was when we were fighting


then i found out it was the day before, when we were fine



Hes says hes sorry and that hes learned his mistake and wot ever do it again and I want to beleive him but I just dont know what to do anymore. Maybe I need to sleep it off. But im just so confused. Idk if I can Ever trust him again. I just want someone to help me. but all my friends brushed me off


Someone help me :(


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I wish I knew how to help you, but I really at guy advice.
He definitely needs to prove to you that you can trust him again and he won't make the same mistake. It's hard to trust someone after something like that and he shouldn't get angry with you if you don't believe him. How would he feel if it was you instead who did that? Hopefully he'll see it from your point of view and will realize how much he did mess up and understand if you're upset with him and having a hard time.

Boys are frustrating.
I know this probably isn't much help, but I really do at advice. -_-
I'm also sorry if it didn't make any sense... I'm sleepy and am probably not thinking clearly.

Cheer up, buttercup<3
Things will get better, even if they seem crappy now.