Fun in a Roleplay

Hi, I'm nobody.

And this is nothing. Nothing at all. Lmao.

Being in a roleplay is really fun. Because I duuno its comforting and not much drama. And its a total escape from the freak reality that everyone has. Its fun to experience new things. Discover. Meet new people. Meet a new family. Do crazy things. Be accepted. Its really fun. I don't even go to my real life account anymore because it is just too much fun.

Imma tell you a story.. /bombed NO I AM NOT GOING TO I AM KIDDING E U E
So I started roleplaying 2 years ago?
And after a year my sister (she's been roleplaying longer than me) and I decided to open our very own roleplay.

I am ze founder. My sister is the co-founder. I did everything. The layouts, pics, and so many things. She helped me too, a lot.

Then we advertised, then people came.


Some people come and stayed. They are still with us right now. We are close to a year now. KIDDING. We are already 9 months now. 3 more months for a year. But there were times where we closed for a month because of real life things, times where there are no people coming, times where we almost gave up but we are a family already so we stayed alive. And we are still trying hard. And even though there are those sad and lonely times like no people coming or people leaving because the rolaplay becames a little inactive, we are still happy. The people staying through the hard times are the ones who give us the strength. Yes there are inactive times but there are times when we are all on and doing crazy stuffs together and being fab and crazy and yeah. Those memories makes us stay. It is hard to stay in a roleplay because you see people come and go and it hurts sometimes but its worth to stay if its family.

Why am I writing? Nothing. Maybe I just want to share the fun feels I feel in a roleplay. : ) < 3
Shoutout to DANCING CATS ROLEPLAY FAMILY. < 3 I love you guys. You are the best. None of you will see this so-- E u EĀ 

Your soil-crying-princess, every-girl's-wife, Your very own babystal,
Soojung. <3


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