A L E K T R O ' s┊Vijaya Shanta


Vijaya Shanta // Mina // Kind Face



Faceclaim: Han Bom 
Name: Vijaya Shanta
Gender: F / M 
Nicknames: Rhee Jun Mina (Korean name)
Nationality: Korean Indian
Birthplace: Vadodara, Gujarat, India
Hometown: Busan, South Korea

Height: 164 cm
Weight: in kg 
Blood type: B -
Phobias: Tetraphobia (Irrationan fear of the number four) Eisoptrophobia (Fear of seeing ones reflection)
Position: Main vocal, visual
Back-up Position: Lead vocalist, face of the group

Dancing Twin: f(x) Krystal
Talking Twin: T-ara Soyeon
Singing Twin: T-ara Soyeon
Rapping Twin: n/a



Background & History: Both of Vijaya's parents are professors at MS University of Bardoa. They were requested there before she was born. When she was born, they werent planning on leaving, so she grew up in India. Her parents told her stories about Korea and she fantasized abut it often. She wanst fond of living in India; it was hot, she looked different than all her friends, she spoke more languages than all her friends and she felt like she didnt fit in there. 
Her mother was a singer, so she started Vijaya in singing as soon as she could talk. She was picked on at schol because she would only sing in Korean, not Hindi or English which everyone else spoke. She brushed off everyone around her who would say thing about her and listened to her mother. She kept Vijaya's spirits up and san with her all the time. 
When she was twelve, her father lost his job and they moved back to Korea. Both her prents managed to get a job at Kookmin University and Vijaya planned on going there, but her life changed.
Her moms youngest brother was a singer too and he had heard Vijaya sing. He knew she could get into the entertainment business so he talked to his sister and he got Vajaya to tryout for YG entertainment. She was accepted right away. Her skill level was way to high for her not to be. 
She was still in school while she was a trainee and after they debuted. 

Personality: She is quite self concious, she doesnt like to boast about herself or have othrs boast for her. She knows she is talented and that is good enough for her. She has a very kind soul, it hurts her to see others suffering or to be in need. She does not like confrontation, she would much rather make love than peace. Which can bite her in the some times. She isnt shy, she can answer any questin asked her and she can talk to almost anybody. She sees the good in people. 

Trainee life and training period: While Vajaya was a trainee, she was still in school. She trained before school and after, she got special marks from the head master to leave early so she could practice. She even came in on the weekends. She relly enjoyed herself and was a trainee for three years. 
She got along with the others, but didnt get really close to them. There were a few she liked, but none she would miss. 
Two days before her fifteenth birthday, YG asked her to come into her office. She thought it was because she was no longer a trainee, but he told her she was going to debut in YG's first co-ed group. She jumped up and hugged him. 

Style: hyperlink images using the letters ALEK for boys, TRO! For girls. 

* All kinds of animals, large and small

* Every kind of music
* Elephants
* Mysteries
* Puzzle boxes
* Smell of bonfires
* Home cooking


* Meat

* Syran wrap
* Bees
* The number four or any multiple of four, i.e four, fourty, thirty four, fourteen
* The cold
* Heights


* Studying

* Singing in Hindi around her Korean friends
* Reading


* When she is tired she will speak in Hindi

* She speaks in her sleep and it is never in Korean. Its either Hindi or Englsh
* When she thinks about how animals are butchered, she will start to cry. 
* When she doesnt understand something she wont be able to focus on anything
* After her make up is done, she will ask the others how she looks contrary to looking in the mirror

* She is a vegitarian

* She speaks Korean, Hindi and English
* She has never drank before
* She sleeps in shorts and a spagetti shirt all the time
* She doesnt know how to drive 
* She is left handed
* She is terrified of bees because she is alergic to them
* She has ridden an elephant
* She and her father have matching star shaped birth marks on the bottom of their feet
* She does the laundry at home
* She likes to draw
* She wants to learn Spanish
* Liturature was her favorite subject in school

* She still wants to go to Kookmin Universtiy

Rhee Dong Hee // Professor // 57 // Father
Rhee Min Ah // Professor // 54 // Mother


Idol Friendship:
Seungri // Idol // 20 // friend


Social Media: ShaSha29 Instagram, public. V_V Kakao talk, private. Kaptain_Kitty Twitter, public

Comments: You never asked for the age...
Scene Requests: 

thanks for applying~ 




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still should've put it though, but anyways, very sorry bout that; what /is/ her age?