Need Help.

So a very strange situation happened to me. I lost (was stolen) money. 

The last time I saw my money was on saturday when I went to the store to get soda, it was all there. when i got home i put my bag uner the dining room table where nobody can see. On Wednesday, I went to my purse to see how much i had (if i need more i was going to ask my brother). When i looked there was nothing. it was GONE. The this is i had one bill hidden behind papers and other bill infront of it. The last person in the house that day was my siblings, me and my friend. I had to take my sister to the bathroom and she said that she would to the do the dishes. 

I asked her if she touch my purse or anything like that, she said no. She also kept saying that i misplaced it. I'm sorry but i wasn't born yesturday. 

Another hint that makes me think that it was her, because that morning i dropped them off by there car after my graduation. In a pocket in the door on her side was a Monster but when i got home, i go to put it in the fridge but its not there and i KNOW she loves Monster. 

What should I do? Any advice? 


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