Sorry for the hiatus

Hey guys:)

I'm am really sorry for my massive Hiatus._. I've been super busy with school and kpopoppa. Also, since this is an account only for one-shots, I've been a little stuck on ideas. I finally have one though and I am writing now:D If anyone wants some fluff, feel free to request what you want:D I have been practising XD I won't write though because I just dislike reading or writing it (that makes me sound so innocent....).

Also. Mr. Galaxy:(

I am really upset about his very possible depature (I can't ing spell that) from exo. But, if they keep him there, he'll just be sad:( Exo will be weird without him though. He was honestly the last person I would think, would leave exo. I just hope they all stay friends after this.

I also hit over 100 followers on tumblr (ultrakpopoppa) which is amazing<3

Class is nearly over so I have to go, but thanks for reading:)



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