*RANT* Ok I respected your decision, but why the fq you bashing me?

Ok, so i respect the fact that she doesnt want to be friends with me because of my personality, but asking me to change myself and then bashing at my beliefs?


I respect the fact she doesn't like how I am/my group of friends, but also bashing on our beliefs? Ok, to clear up the she think are problems:

1) She knows that I have a rough personality and I am a sometimes, if you don't like it why did you be my friend in the first place? I even warned her that I was rough and rude and very irritable.

2) She has no right to bash on my religion. Just because what I believe in doesn't seem right to her, doesn't mean she has the rights to tell me that my religion is fake and stupid.

3) I told her I would be there for her and she accepted it, but then she went up to my group of friends and told us we are too rough -_-" me and my friends are rowdy and accept each other and she did too. Then all of a sudden she said we are mean. All of my friends personalities are quite rough. We like being rowdy and somewhat erted.


Being me, I like to exchange playful kicks and punches here and there even if they are too hard, we just smile, laugh and move on. Im rough. I like being rowdy, but I know when to stop. She knew that too and played along with us but didnt know when to stop playing, now after we accepted the fact she didn't want our friendship anymore she decides to bash on our beliefs. Me and a few/most of the friends in my group are Wiccan, and our other Christian/Catholic friends look past that. We don't even bring up our religion! Then she tells us that it's distracting her! We havent even brought it up since the end of last year!! I dont get why she is suddenly being rude. At first my friends wanted to confront her but I told them not to, then she came up to us and  started saying all that bull .


Not being my friend is ok, I even wrote her a letter after she first told me she didnt want to be my friend anymore about wanting to end our friendship without any hard feelings and now she keeps coming back and starting ! All of my friends including her, know that I told like going back to old just to bring up drama, and now she's doing just that! I know she doesnt want my friendship, but because of that she suddenly decides to bash on my beliefs and UGH! I AM SO ING ANNOYED


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That was just rude. You told her the type of people you and your friends were so if she doesn't have the right to act like this. Even if she doesn't like your religion, she shouldn't bash you about it because she wouldn't want others to bash her about her religion. It seems she might just be trying to start things with with you for whatever reason. I don't think you should give her that chance.
i don't like ppl bashing ppl's religions, thats dis-respectful =.=
you should just ignore that person, let her be, its not worth your precious time...

btw can i ask what is wiccan? sorry im not familiar ^-^

and cheer up, u still have other good friends, it just shows she's not a true friend *hugs* i understand how u feel
She bash on your religion??? Geez, people these days

I'm like u hahha
kim_seul_young #5
I've met people like that and they did hurt me. But you know people like that aren't worth your time. Vent out your frustrations and then be the better person and don't stoop to her level.

You're better off without people like that around you. Focus more on your friends and family because they are farm more worthwhile than one individual who's too narrow-minded to accept you for who you are.

Btw, I think its cool that you are Wiccan.
OMG you're Wiccan?!?!?! Some of the coolest people I know are Wiccan. ;) I added some elements in my stories as well. But anyway,don't worry about that girl though. If she can't respect you there is no use having a friend like that.
I had a friend who is dominating and wanted attention for EVERYTHING, she didn't realize my feelings or other people's feelings at all. She couldn't even understand us... And she expected us to last as friends for a long time. She's even said about me on this site so she can get sympathy. But the moral if the story is about sharing your feelings. After hearing about all of this, I would say that talk to eachother about your viewpoints and understanding. If she's still being ignorant then break off the friendship (like I did ^_^) and now I'm so relieved that I took the step to not be friends with her anymore.
hunhan_chunjoe #8
My personality is the same as you the exact same! I have a lot of friend who hate my 'rough' personality but guess what? Fuq them all~ I won't change myself so they can like me they choose the road, they choose to follow me so I am not responsible for what happened...
Our religion is the same and we all respect each other and if one day one of ur friend talked bad about your religion they are not even ur friend! And it's not nice to offense other cultures and transitions...
So don't give a fuq to them and live your life with the people u think is the best to be friend with...
Live ur life and play it easy without hurting ur head with their nonsense...do what u think is right to do :)
Well, I know your frustration, but since you two ended your friendship, you're obviously better off without her. A friend should accept you for whp you are and wouldn't bash what you believe in. Sure, you're not friends anymore what I understand, but she doesn't have any right to do so just because she doesn't need to be friendly. To me, it sounds more like she wants to be able to joke around and be like you and your group of other friends, and since she couldn't she probably had to go against you.
Tho since you're not with her anymore, you don't have to care what she says. Let her go around and say whatever bull she wants even if it's annoying that she does, even if it's not nice that she's doing so. If she keeps doing those things, ignore her and she'll understand that she's just digging herself a deep, deep hole which she will fall into.
Idek, just felt like I needed to comment. :c ehm, I've been through alot of weird friends in my days, and last time I had one who couldn't understand me and my best friend's humor, like we were erted and could call each other bro. She didn't understand it and told us we were dumb and should seek help because it wasn't something she thought was okay. THen she tried to be like us, when copying our jokes and telling them to others, saying she was with us when fun stuff happened, when me and my best friend were completely alone. Ah, it's hard ot explain, but maybe the one you're talking about is a bit like that? but, I feel you're a stronger person for telling hber straight out how you are and if she doesn't like it, she can go.
Well, I hope everything works out in the end. Didn't mean to be mean to anyone here, just wanted you to see I understand you.
Uhm, have a nice day/night... c:
harukarukpop #10
I have friend just like that.
She thinks the same way, but a little more Social Anxiety personality, and rude hypocritical comments about my friends and I.
Were also in a situation that should we just tell her the reality that nobody will like her and that she has no right to say something about our beliefs.
overall, I thought I was the only one feeling like this