I am not only saying this to argue wether SM is contolling the artists lives. To all the fans and haters who are making  false rumors about kris or SM or whatever it is that is untrue..... just wait until they actually say something insead of going straight to the conclusions like SM is too much or SM treats them like objects instead of humans. I'm not saying it should be Sm or kris but all i got to say is EXO STARY STRONG....

Ok sooo.... This whole exo thing, i know i know it's heartbreaking!! I know you guys are probably like WTF? we don't want to hear your stupid rant. It's fine if you don't was to read this so just skip it if you'd like. I know that the Exo members are going through hard times right now. I just hate that the fact that SM still wants to procede with there schedules and doing what the say and . I know i don't know that much about this situation. Who knows if one of these rumors are true but what if there not... there's pretty much a 75%that is not true to a 25% that is true. As much as it hurts fans to see what SM had done to not only kris, but to everyone who's part of SM. TBH i think kris was probably driven to the point where SM has not even considerd his health condition to file a law suit against them. Kirs probably is right, SM has no right to teke away his human rights as a celebrity. There are so many possible answers to what drove kris to leave....... his friends ...... family...... brothers....or lover, all we know is that he wouldn't just leave his family without a fight! KRIS! FIGHTING! WE LOVE YOU!!

Whatever the outcome is we will always love you and hope fore the best!! EXO SARANGHAJA!! FIGHTING!!


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jexotic97 #1
I agree I'm just wait if it's only base true with the final result, just wishing them luck with the choice Kris will make, I hope he realize what he's doing then later because he's going to lose alot of it. :(