should we be siding with Kris?

Have you guys read Tao's past two wiebo updates?

Cause he makes some pretty damn clear. 



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I'm siding with Kris, not because he's my bias or that I like EXO because I'm not really their fan but because this has happened before. I don't understand why people are acting like children who hasn't seen the world before, they know what SM has done, they know what they are capable of doing, and they darn well know what they are willing to do to further warm the lining of their wallets.

Plus the fact that Kris is Chinese is another 'ding dong' factor, we already know that Chinese trainees and idols are treated lower than other trainees. So most of the other members will not understand what he went through to get where he's at. Basically, I am sick and tired of SM foolishness and I will not be swayed by the other members personal opinions. They should have been told by him of course, he shouldn't have jumped up and did that out of nowhere like that but still.

Kris came from rich family so he isn't really impressed by all the grand things they get to buy or get...I just had a revelation!

Wait wait wait let me right this down because for all I know this could very well be the reason.

Kris came from a rich family while most of the other members didn't, so they would fall all over themselves with the little money they got paid with, and drool at the designer brands they got to wear. Kris probably already had that kind of life so he wasn't blinded by it and actually paid attention to whatever money he was receiving. So while the others are happy with what they have he probably noticed something shady and slowly got fed up with it, leading to this explosion. That might not be what happened but that's the best I can come up with.

Sorry for the long comment, but I like writing a little too much :)