's just getting real


stepping gansta so ignore that


So, today's a ty day for me and I'm not going to go into detail, but, a little bird (twitter) told me that kris had apparently wrecked havoc. ok not really to others but to exo fans, maybe

Some say that it was Kris's fault, exo's fault, SM's fault. It's all over twitter, instagram and all kpop (maybe because I only follow these few people but you get the point)

Loads of fans had been unsettled about this so I thought why not let the world hear my opinion? Yeah... I'm just really bored right now.

okay yeah, back to the topic.

I heard that kris wanted to act, but sm rejected him

Well, talk about chances.

I'm not saying whose at fault now as I don't know the whole truth, I mean, some sources say that exo's not really on Kris's side right now, some are depicting Kris as a sad, cold puppy stuck outside during a storm.


let's talk about fans shall we?

Some of them are really supportive, they post about loving Kris through out, understanding him, hoping that he's coping well...

well SOME, are pretty much hating and trash talking about SM, Kris and exo. Some said that SM was useless, unfair, Suho was not being a good leader, Kris being an attention seeker.

I'm not saying that you can't post, freedom of speech right?

But these words are from people who claim that they are 'fans' of exo, I don't really know what is the defination of fans in your dictionary, but in mine, fans support their idol, respect their decision, and don't say harsh words to their idols. Their SUPPORTIVE and UNDERSTANDING. They FORGIVE but not forget thats for sure but you get it.

Exo is the new hot stuff, trend, famous etc. etc

To those people who are just using their twitter and tweeting that why are people so cray cray over Kris,

Let me enlighten you,

Exo, is 12 hot looking talented guys who goes on stage and make the fans proud. They might seem cool and laidback outside, but they have worked their off throughout their career. So what Kris did was a big issue as Kris has a large fan base, and if something happened to Kris, Exo and SM gets affected too. And SM is one of the most successful labels out there so I think you know how it works.


It might be selfish for me to say but freedom of speech right?

I might have said this before (I don't know, I didn't bother to re read the whole thing) but I am not saying who is at fault here.

All I know is that this whole bunch of people need to get their together ASAP and give the fans a proper answer.

Fans plays a huge part in their sucess and answers are only neccessory to us too as we worry our off for this matter.

I hope that this will come to an end where Kris is still in Exo, where fans can spazz about how amazing this 12 men are, and everyone lives happily ever after.


I don't know but if this comes of offensive you, I'm sorry I have no idea what I have said that have made you pissed and I hope that you will try and see things through my perspective.


well, ain't this a well spent 1 hour...



I'm too bored for my own sake so recommend me some stories?

To those who've read until now, I'm really thankful that you've read my blog post. you're fabulous.



ps sorry for the errors, didn't really check through but as long as you can understand, where's the harm?


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BBC4Bomb #1
I agree with everything you said
crying hard cos its too sudden where they were just comeback
futhermore their first concert is next week .
exo too must be in shock right now.
I dont know if i should be sad or happy right know because os the kris issue being released att the same time of iu's album.... T.T
You took the words outta my mind . True of the fans . To those who so called themselves exo fans shouldn't they support what their idols do .