Bloggety-Blog Update and Line Play

 HELLO DEAR FRIENDS AND READERS. It is that wonderful time of the year where I have NO MORE CLASSES until August! This is super exciting cause that means updates on a somewhat regular basis. Woohoo!!! 

Quick run down of things I'll be doing before break is over:
- Hoping to get to chapter 16 of Play Things and still feel my brain and fingers

- Release my new upcoming fic called "Listening" that will probably be a long one shot

- Lastly add the last chapter to Forced to give all my waiting subscribers an ending. 

These aren't in any particular order but these are the 3 things you can hope to see from me.

Last deal of business! 
I have a Line Play account, I have a for a year now but it's apparently more popular now so I want you guys to add me if you have it! My name on there is "Monggu" and I'm the one wearing a black XOX hat. If you don't have line play I highly recommend it because it is the cutest thing ever in apps, let me show you. 

First off there are a lot of celebrity Line Play users. Of course they are endorsed to use LP but sometimes they do interact with fans. Nickhun has given me a heart before! 

Dara and Bom have accounts too! 
   <- lol @ Bom fail cheerleading
There are even Korean Actors on here like Lee Minho. Also Siwon of Super Junior has one. 
And if you're looking to have a very kawaii look Sanrio has partnered with LP to sponser Rillakuma, Hello Kitty, My Melody and Pom Pom Purin. 
 Me sleepin in Hello Kitty's bed CANT STOP ME HA!!!! 
Alright and lastly here is my friend and I in her room. I'd love for you guys to add me so we can mutually heart and make each other rich. I also like to gift! 
 so cute and pink! ;0;

Lastly if you want to add me on other social sites I do have instagram, snapchat, IMVU , Tumblr and kik:
Line Play:
IMVU: Monggu
Instagram: TisBri
Snapchat: Briraessi
Kik: Briraessi
Tumblr: Clickeu

Bye guys! Hope to talk those not too shy to add me and chat! 


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NeroAevitas #1
I've been looking for a while now, but where do get the XOX hat?
roselain #2
Hello! I didnt know LINE play before, but i downloaded it now that i see its so cute!

After im done with making the avatar and character i ll add you :D!