Updates regarding my Fic's.

Hello guys,

So, as many of you know I haven’t updated certain fic’s in quite a while; I have no excuse so I’m just going to shrug and tell you all they will be updated when the time is right.

Moving on.

I am in contemplation of which fic’s I’m going to continue and which I am not, so instead of writing a long blog post I’m going to shorten this up into categories;

  1. Fic’s I’m defiantly going to continue writing.
  2. Fic’s in which I have the foreword up but haven’t started yet, though will start and do indeed have a storyline for.
  3. Fic’s I am not sure I wasn’t to continue with, thus they will be marked in draft until further notice.


In category One sits; The Definition of Us: Outcasts and Misfits | Solace | Dirt | Counting Sheep | Make Me King | Life’s Like That


In category Two sits; Salt | Just Another Saturday Night | And a Fic I’m going to post once I have the poster and such done.


In category Three sits; Paramour | Substance



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Mara83313 #1
I was looking foreward to the two fics in category three but I understand your decision
Thanks for the notice :)
luminous_secret #2
Oh well I was really looking towards how Substance would develop.
Thanks for the notice though