Do You Think Sooyoung Watches Modern Family

....and by Modern Family I mean the ABC show that's won a whole bunch of awards (in case there's a different Modern Family)


So I was looking at Sooyoung's instagram to see who she is following and what do ya know, I notice these 3 people:

Eric Stonestreet

Sofia Vergara

Jesse Tyler

Realistically all 3 of these actors have been in other productions, but seeing them together made me instantly think Modern Family. Plus, they're arguably the funniest on the show (Eric Stonestreet aka Cam is my favorite)


Modern Family is one of my favorite shows, so i guess it'd be cool if I shared that with my bias. I don't know, what do you think? Do you think Sooyoung is familiar with the show or am I just looking way too into things :-) (haha which could totally be the case). Is there even a Korean version of Modern Family?


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