What Element Are You? ~stolen~

[] You have a short temper
[] You often act on your emotions without thinking first 
[] You are very competitive 
[X] You like to play with fire 
[X] You are not a strong swimmer or you can't swim at all
[] You prefer warm weather over cold weather
[] You often lose control over yourself 
[X] You can be quite reckless
[X] You sometimes hurt people without realizing it
[X] People have often called you insane 
Total: 5
[X] You have a calm, laid-back personality
[] You like to go to beach 
[X] You rarely get angry
[X] When you do get angry, you know how to control it 
[X] You think before you act
[] You are good at breaking up fights
[] You are a good swimmer (...water...*shivers*)
[X] You like the rain (Only when I'm sleeping :/)
[X] You can stay calm in stressful situations
[] You are very generous 
Total: 6
[] You are physically strong 
[X] You have a close connection with nature
[] You don't mind getting dirty
[] You form strong opinions on issues that concern you
[] You could easily survive in the wild 
[X] You care about the environment 
[X] You can easily focused on your work without getting distracted
[] You rarely get depressed
[] You aren't afraid of anything
[] You prefer to have strict of rules
Total: 3
[X] You have a free spirit 
[] You hate rules
[] You prefer to be out in the open rather than in small enclosed spaces (Nah...I like my room)
[X] You hate to be restrained
[] You are very independent & outgoing
[X] You are quite intelligent
[] You tend to be impatient
[] You are easily distracted
[] You can sometimes be hyperactive/annoying
[X] You wish you could fly ( Yeah~! I always dream about flying and I get really happy...But then I wake up .__.)
Total: 4
[X] You spend most of your time alone (Yeah! Stay in my room all weekend~)
[] You prefer nighttime over daytime
[] You like creepy things
[] You like to play tricks on people
[X] Black is your favorite color
[X] You prefer the villains over the heroes in movies, TV shows, video games & etc. (Eh, sometimes. Like Battle Royale and Harry Potter cx)
[X] You don't talk much (Only when someone speaks to me first...)
[] You are atheist
[] You don't mind watching scary movies 
[] You love to break the rules
Total: 4
[X] You are very polite
[] You are spiritual
[] When someone is in trouble, you never hesitate to help them
[] You believe everything you see or hear
[X] You are afraid of the dark (After I read something scary or watch something... I get reaaally paranoid sometimes ><)
[X] You hate violence
[X] You hope for world peace
[X] You are generally the happy person
[] Everyone loves to be around you 
[X] You always follow the rules
Total: 6
My result is......
dot dot dot......................
Hehe Suho and Baekhyunnie ~ ^^


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SoshiVeebles9 #1
Light, Air & Water.. :P that was fun~ The random stuff you do hahaha