SJ's School of Pastry - Apply

Application Form:

Name: Bae Jin Ae

Profile Link:


Birthdate (MM/DD/YY): 04/20/90

Age (18-24): 21 years old

Blood Type (A, B, O, or AB only): A

Ulzzang Name: Jo Ga Eun

Apperance Link (3+):

Personality (5 and up bullet points):

  • Open-minded
  • Sincere
  • Funny
  • Childish
  • Gullible
  • Sensitive

Description (3-4 sentences minimum): She has a nickname, ‘Joker’. Why? Because of her natural joking talents. Her appearance makes her approachable. And she is always more than willing to help. Even though she is 21, she is still a 5 year old at heart. She isn’t a flawless person though. She is very gullible and that’s what make her always encounter betrayals everywhere. She is always smiling. But underneath all those smiles is a broken and unwounded heart. She is actually a very sensitive girl. All those hurt feelings are bottle up.

Likes (5+): Night sky || Baking || Jokes/Pranks || Music || Chrysanthemum Tea || Soft Toys || Designing || Cheerful atmospheres || Bruno Mars and Taylor Swift || Books

Dislikes (5+): Betrayers || Liars || Backstabbers || Cherries || Blood || Justin Bieber || Cramped places || Messy places || Thick make-up || The heat

Hobbies (5+): Baking/Cooking || Writing stories || Listening to music || Reading || Drawing/Doodling || Updating facebook/Twitter || Playing games || Shopping

Habits (3+): Talking to herself about her day || Eating chocolate when she is upset and alone || Daydream || Staring at the scenary || Mutter sarcastic words/cuss when she is angry || Sing unknowing to the song she is listening

Trivia (3+): She has claustrophobia || She has frequent headaches || She is allergic to beans || She is a fashionista ||


Family Background (5-6 sentence minimun): Jin Ae was adopted by the Bae Family when she was 4. The parents couldn’t have a baby so they adopted one. Even though they aren’t related by blood, the parents treated Jin Ae like their real daughter and Jin Ae treated them like her real parents. Jin Ae had no idea why her parents left her when she was a baby. She grew up in the orphanage. Everyone there was an orphan too so they made good friends. The Bae family has an average status. Neither poor nor rich. Her mother is a caring and sweet 56 year old woman who sometimes act like a teenager. Her father is hilarious and loving. He is the same age as her mother. Her parents are more like Jin Ae’s friends instead or parents. Jin Ae had a fun childhood and the family is now leading a peaceful life.

Sibling (fic or idol): None.

Why are you enrolled in school? (6-7 sentece minimum, be creative): Jin Ae was in love with baking. Everyone around her could see that clearly. Not one day would pass when Jin Ae won’t be talking about baking or pastry. Her eyes also sparkled like a child getting candy whenever she baked. Her parents decided to let her attend this school. This way, she could learn to bake professionally and also do the thing she loved the most.


SJ Instructor(you may choose 2): Henry and Donghae

Partner (any idol): Lee Joon (MBLAQ)

Friends (idol or fic): Jonghyun (SHINee) || CL (2NE1) || Henry (Super Junior) || Sunny (SNSD)

Rival: Ji Hae (Girl’s Day)

Extra (anything you wish to add?): Good luck on your story and I hope you liked my character! Hehe.. XD 


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