Piece of tips

For people who are using action/crime/mystery/agent/fairys/whatever type of supernatural *insert here* things like The Raid type. I just wanted to tell how to make their clothes out. Fics or applyfics.


Belts will easily got off and hooked on things (might be embarassing)

Superman capes and scarves. Flapping around, got tied in machines, neck break, goodbye life. Nuff' said by The Incredibles.

Loose outfits (Those middriff ones). Extra grabbing points for enemies.


Leather may induce heat and possible rash or infection at worst. Latex, vinyl, or any types of garment made from nylon burns off and the liquid substance may fall off to skin (hurts).

String tank tops. The strings cut off too easily (tank top should at least have a few decent centimetres to go).

Jeans, especially those which are woven. Restricts movement.

Bling-Bling, sparkly sparks- For the love of giraffe, please. DON'T. It attracts enemies with sparkles, and good luck fighting them in the dark.

Short shorts, miniskirts, bikini-like costumes, or anything that exposes more than necessary. It is way too dangerous leaving torso uncovered.

Slippers and flip-flops can fall off easily. Going barefooted (exxcept you can sense the earth) is risking your feet with hazards from the ground like glass or nails, which may cause tetanus. Proper combat boots are still the best.


​I won't go too much on this. Bangs or fringes, if too long, will disturb eyesight, not because it is manly or stuff. For girls, their hair is either cut off, or tied up so it won't cover eyesight or even flap around their comrades' faces. Untied or long hair will also prove to be grabbing points for the enemies and it is very simple to get caught in machines, possible death with this.


​Necklace , rings, bracelets, badges may fall off or got lost in battles.

Piercings may get ripped off (wondered how Divergent did it). Except gangsters, I don't suppose army or agents are allowed to use this.

Note: except these were on purpose, safety is better than being beautiful or cool. I've seen some fics doing this. Yet no offense to anyone, this is just an opinion written by someone.

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(They provide tips and helps on writing fics and doing roleplays.)


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seamusmommy #1
This is great!
Great post~ I'll really take note of this ^^