Just being curious there, out of al of you Angels out there, which Teen Top coupling do you ship the most?

NAP and Chunjoe are my only ones because i think Ricky and Xhangjo are just too innocent and cute for that stuff yet.

**I've always imagined them like playing in the corner while the other four like make out xDDDDD**

Also, if you DONT ship the couples i do, tell me yours!




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ITS YOUR MOTHER CHLOEEEEEEE lol jks it me tif xP ikr, i'm starting to use it more now that it's holidays, i couldn't update cause of school and shiz.
i don't even know. hmm who blogged this? you guys never use tikina barely anymore. lol ehm. i'm guessing tiff or natalia right? AM I RIGHT?! >D if you didn't realise it is chloe ok ^^