There was an ant on my pillow! A FREAKING ANT!

Lol i might be overreacting but i imagine it as if i were standing on a chair with a broom in hand and smackimh my friend on the head with it to kill a bug.... Im wierd right now lol but it was so close to my head!! It couldve gotten in my ear!! Eww!!!


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springmiya #1
i have a memory of a woodlouse on my pillow... i freak out every time i see them now....
My sister had one crawl into her ear
It kept hitting her eardrum and was painful apparently. Took my stepmom six minutes and three qtips to get it out
be careful,if it enter your ear it might be dangerous~
dbsk5Lover #4
haha~ you so funny that you scare of small things but I also scare of small thing too, not scare but more ‘hate’
I hate caterpillar...... they so wirde and dont have bone
I can imagine how you imagine standing on a chair with a broom in yr hand and smacking yr friend on the head to kill a bug