[AD] Equality Is A Lie by anthroalex12

STORY TITLE: Equality Is A Lie
STORY LINK: Click here.
AUTHOR: anthroalex12
CHARACTERS: applicants, you, CUBE family and a few more.
The world has become one country. United. Equal.
The government has decided to make everyone equal by force. This means that no one can be stronger than the rest. No one can be better looking than the rest. No one is smarter than the rest. Every person in the world is equal and all those that are born above average must wear handicaps.
Those who choose to disobey will be charged two thousand dollars and 5 years in prison for each handicap taken off. If act is repeated and not stopped, death penalty is the conviction. Everyone remains equal. But to every perfection, there is a flaw. No one is different in this world and that is the flaw.It is alright to be equal in race and natural rights, but to this group, there is no such thing as complete Equality. Everyone is different. Equality is a lie. A horror. These laws must end. 



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