Teaser for HSW and New Story Ideas

Hey everyone !

This is a blog update to announce a couple of things.  Firstly, Heart Shaped Wreckage will take awhile to update.  The next chapter should be out by next week but after that you might not get anything for the next three.  I’m on the business side of my semester (aka exam time) and practicing my Vietnamese in my spare time cause I’m going back to my mother land basically by myself to stay with my family that speaks next to no English.

Secondly, I’d love some opinions and advice on the next story I should work on after the Never Give all the Heart trilogy (yup you read that right there is going to be another part of the story after Heart Shaped Wreckage).  It will be in the works but I need something to daydream about when I’m about to go to sleep as the plot lines for all of it are already worked out.

I have two equally good EunHae plots in mind and I love each one of them equally as much.  I’m afraid I’m only going to get busier so at the moment on top of my crack collaboration fic I won’t be able to do two :P


Virtual Heart (idk if I like this title)

Genre: Fantasy / Sci Fi


Basically, for anyone who has watched Sword Art Online this fan fiction will work on a similar concept, but it will be very different.  Donghae is a college student in need of cash to pay for his father’s surgery.  His best friend Kyuhyun manages to get Donghae a summer job as a Beta tester for a new game. The game is a MMORG, basically you a fully suited up and you are sent to a virtual online world.  This world (which I’m thinking to base of medieval England) contains a number of quests and trials and the goal is to find some sort of holy sword.  The first Beta team to make it to the sword gets a prize of $30 000 dollars. The game maker is eager to release the game before any of the competitors so along the way is cash prizes and this can cause dirty play.


Donghae agrees and gets randomly paired with Hyukjae, a pro game player that is very annoyed he has been paired with someone that knows nothing about gaming.  So basically the story will follow how Donghae and Hyukjae become friends and eventually fall in love as they try to finish the game first amidst dirty tactics from opponents.


Whims and Wishes

Genre: Modern Day Fantasy


In this fan fiction Hyukjae is a demi god of sorts.  After saving the world in a past life he is allowed to come back a super human in order to find his lover.  Hyukjae can’t find his lover nor does he remember who this person is.  Siwon, another demi god wishes for Hyukjae to join his task force of humans with extra abilities to save the world from crime.  Hyukjae just wants to find the one he loves so he travels around the globe, dodging Siwon’s constant calls for recruitment.  He eventually finds him self on a Japanese tour with Lee Donghae, a famous Korean song writer, part of the hit production team Haru and One Day.  Donghae finds out about Hyukjae’s abilities and Siwon is none to happy about that so he seeks to eliminate Donghae. 


So those are the two ideas without giving away any of the plots.  I like fantasy plots/sci fi as there aren’t many EunHae fics that are like this that don’t involve them being vampires or were wolves. Plus my lovely overly imaginative brain likes creating new worlds.  

 If anyone wants to help co author any of those two fics I’m happy to accept requests ^^ I think I work better when I have someone to bounce off of and push me to write rather than to just day dream about it.  


Also for anyone that has read this far this is your preview for the next chapter of Heart Shaped Wreckage in no particular order:

PS Oh and to any people who have randomly stumbled onto this blog these previews contain major spoilers. 


“I don’t believe it, he must be using this as some kind of plot to get me out of here.  I’ve hurt him so much, I can’t be forgiven this easily.”

“No Hyukjae, the Prince unlike you is a good man.  He isn’t a coward and scared of his own heart.  You don’t deserve a soul as good as his.”


“Why is this Council even doubting my authority?  There was an attempt on my life and you are discussing killing Lee Hyukjae the man who saved my life!”


“The Council has decided that if Prince Donghae wishes to marry, he has permission to marry Choi Minho, leader of the rebel forces and the true King of the Isles of Alghieri.”

“I don’t want to freaking marry him I want to marry my soul mate.”

“Your soul mate is nothing but a worthless piece of crap.  At least this marriage will help consolidate our political ties and aid in helping our allies in there fight against the Dark Forces. Think about all the lives you could save My Liege.”


“Will you, Prince Lee Donghae accept Lee Hyukjae as your lawfully wedded husband?”  The High Wizard asked as the church when silent Hyukjae awaited the answer, staring into the Princes now soft blue eyes.  

“I, I-“ The Prince mumbled.  Lee Hyukjae felt his heart in his chest; thumping so loud he felt the whole world could hear it.


Donghae slammed the noble into the wall, uncharacteristically vicious.

“I’m fed up with this crap.” He growled, grabbing the noble’s collar, his eyes quickly changing to a vivid shade of red.  “Don’t you dare say another world or I’ll make you regret it.”


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I finally read this. I was checking your profile since i see no update for hsw hehe no wonder ;) and i am really looking forward to read that 2 new your fanfic! I always love fantasy plot like hsw, glad u making a new one with different kind of fantasy. And ngath trilogy? Cant wait but i hope u wont end hsw with cliffhanger like the first one though ;))
Marshmallow_Princess #2
Oh my holy penguins I have FINALLY got around to reading this T___T
Well first I must say I'm a little bias towards 'Whims and Wishes' cause I like, watched you give birth to it (Wow I couldn't have used a better description than that OTL) but ~ 'Virtual Heart' does seem rather interesting (Thou I must warn you I THINK I've seen a KyuSung fanfic with a very similar name so you may wanna rethink that).
What I'm ending with is, which the fic that you would need to balance out your feels with. If you need more crack or light stuff maybe the 'Virtual Heart' one but if you're getting plenty of that from our admin fics and exoXsj one then 'Whims and Wishes' plz ~ :P
me MEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! i'd be a co-author if you like, if you choose whims and wishes because OMG THAT SOUNDS SO GOOD ALREADY!!!

/o/ yay~ theres a trilogy~~ already hyped up even though the sequel hasn't finnished yet but more eunhae so :DD

good luck for your exams and have fun in vietnam when you do go!!
I really like the idea of the first one, them being gamers. I think you'd have a lot of flexibility and could do some really cool things. Plus, I love when Hae and Hyuk don't like each other right off the bat, I like seeing their friendship and love develop. Either way, they sound really cool, I wish I had thought of them first LOL. Fighting!
I'd personally really interested about the first idea! 8D Sounds really nice.