[AD] Elusive Love by LostHuman

Story Title: Elusive Love
Story Link: Click here.
AUTHOR: LostHuman
Characters: Luhan, Sehun, JiSoo(OC)

A kind of love that can be filled with lies and deception.
A kind of love that can't be trusted
A kind of love that can't be considered as true
But what if one day, this Elusive Love can be the only thing that can save you?
People are often deluded with falling in love, they won't think twice and act irrationally with the 
thought that they are doing the right thing since they are doing this for the person that they love. But love can be also a delusion made by our minds, a sweet delusion that can turn into a nightmare, a nightmare that we'd wish that we could erase. But erasing that nightmare would also erase the whole reason why love existed in the first place. 


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