About Me ^u^

Nicknames? || Hopie, Pinkie, Pinkis

Where do you live? || Michigan, USA

What's your age? || 14

Hair color? || Gold/Dirty Blonde/Brown (I have over 30 different colors of hair strands on my headwhich are; [white blonde, blonde, gold, dirty blonde, dish water blonde, copper, red, scarlet, peanut butter-ish, light brown, brown, chocolate-ish dark brown, and many more] there's a different color for each hair)

Eye color? || Blue

Height? || Five foot five (for now)

Shoe size? || 8 to 10

Date of Birth? || July 22th (the same birthday as Tablo)

What's your star sign? || Rabbit/Crab (Cancer)

Element? || Water

How many siblings? || Three brothers and one sister

How many pets? || Zero (they all died ; _ ; ) [but I'm getting a dog his summer]

Obsessions? || Kpop & Food

Bad habits? || I can't think of anything

Phobias? || Water (it's getting worse every day but I still swim in water), Kpop Idols personally looking me in the eyes


What makes you happy? || Seeing these people smile: Kevin Wu (UKiss), Lee Joon (MBLAQ), G Dragon (Big Bang) & delicious foods

What really irritates you? || People who are obvious but never confess, people who are too clingy when i don't even like them 'that way'

What makes you sad? || Being alone, Being ignored, Being invited somewhere only to be ignored, Loved ones & friends crying

What makes you angry? || Hypocrites, ists, Narcissits, People who are "Easy", Wimps, Patholigical Liars

What makes you scared? || Loved ones dieing

Who is your best friend? || Moe (that's my nickname for her)

Ever broken a bone? || Several toes and fingers

What's the best advice you've ever received? || To "be yourself" (I was told that by a fellow Kpoper, my Unnie)

What trainers do you own? || ?

What was the last CD you bought? || I've never bought one, I use iTunes. And on iTunes; C-Clown's "Shaking Heart"

What was the last book you read? || A Feild Guide to Lucid Dreaming: Mastering the Art of Oneironautics

Who was the last person you spoke to? || My older brother John

What was the last thing you ate? || M&M's

What was the last thing you drank? || Vitamin Water; açai-blueberry-pomegranite

What's the best thing you've ever bought? || My ONE OF A KIND hoodie (it looks just like the ones in the music video)

What's the worst thing you've ever bought? || I only buy good things

What's the best thing you've ever been given? || A kiss on the cheek by an adorable 6-year-old

What's the worst thing you've ever been given? || An accidental stab wound in the belly [when I was little, one of my siblings was being careless and poked me with a kitchen knife, I didn't notice the cut until it bled a little spot on my shirt. It wasn't that deep and didn't leave a scar]

What are your future goals? || Be happy and successful, meet G Dragon, Kevinn Wu, and Eric Nam, Lee Joon, and Simon & Martina (from Eatyourkimchi)

Describe your bedroom? || Bunk bed, Xbox and flatscreen, One window, The room is 8ft by 10ft (it's small)

What's your most embarrassing moment? || Can't think of one

Who do you consider the most beautiful woman in the world? || Tie between Lee Hi, Yoon Bora, Natasha Bang (Bang Yong Guk's sister), and Lee Chaerin (CL)

Who do you consider the most handsome man in the world? || No Minwoo (Actor)

Favourite thing to do on a hot summers day? || Go swimming
Favourite thing to do on a snowy winters day? || Watch the snow fall while listening to Eric Nam's "Heaven's Door"

If you were granted 3 wishes, what would they be? || Be rich, Personally see Lee Joon G Dragon and Kevin Wu and Eric Nam smile every day, End poverty

If you could go back in time to see or change something, when would it be and what would you do? || I would go to 2006, because as the years go by, in 2014 I'd be 22 years old (I could drink in America, and be near the age of most Kpop Idols)

What's the first thing you think about when you wake up? || A different song every day

What exactly were you doing on September 11th as the terrorist attacks were being carried out in America? || Don't know, Don't care

Have you ever been in love? || No, unless you count love at first sight of me seeing him through a music video (but I'll never tell you who it is)

Do you believe in the after-life? || Yes, heaven and hell (Christian)

Where do you see yourself in 10 years time? || I'll be 25, single, in Korea on vacation or living there, a writer/artist/dancer/singer

If you could choose your own death, how would you go? || Saving the life/lives of my future husband/children

Would you ever consider having plastic surgery? || Only if the real reason was that I wanted to look better FOR ME AND NO ONE ELSE!!!!!!

What's the funniest joke you've ever been told? || Onew: Why didn't the chicken cross the road?
Me: Why?
Onew: Because I ate it!

Do you have any regrets in life? || I guess, but I can't think of any on the spot

What advice would you give to a kid? || Brush your teeth twice a day, every day, and shower at least every other day

Any hidden talents? || I can sing, I can draw, I can do photo shop, I am athletic

Is yours an 'innie' or 'outie'? || Innie

Last job? || student 

Current job? || student 
Dream job? || Artist, Boilogist, Singer, Dancer

Who is your hero? || Kevin Wu & Eric Nam & Kyuhyun

Describe yourself in 3 words: || Unpredictable, Random, Smart


Favorite color? || 

Favorite number? || 5 & 88

Favorite animal? || Fox & Tiger & Wolf & horse & Dragon

Favorite sport (to play)? || Baseball, Badminton, Hockey (in that order)

Favorite sport (to watch)? || Bowling, Badminton & Anything on Cool Kidz on the Block (KBS)

Favorite soap? || Dove

Favorite programme/s? || All KBS programs

Favorite radio station? || Don't know any

Favorite movies? || The Lego Movie

Favorite group? || I like too many to choose

Favorite song? || Elvis Presley; Jailhouse Rock

Favorite room in the house? || Kitchen; There's food and a TV

Favorite football team? || Don't care

Favorite footballer? || Don't know any

Favorite famous celeb/s? || Karl Urban, Jim Carry, Zachary Quinto, Ryan Higa (YouTube), Tobuscus (YouTube), Simon & Martina (YouTube)

Favorite board game? || Monopoly & Scrabble

Favorite video game/s? || Mass Effect (all 3), Elder Scrolls (all of them), Call of Duty (all of them), Sims (Wii & Xbox), Grand Theft Auto IV, Guitar Hero III

Favorite PC game? || Destruction Derby & Spyro

Favorite food? || Anything I don't have to pay for

Favorite fast-food? || Burger King

Favorite drink? || Water

Favorite magazine? || Cosmopolitan: Korea
Favorite place? || The woods/rivers

Favorite cartoon character? || Tenma Tsukamuto (Anime; I don't watch Cartoons)

Favorite advert/commercial? || Old Spice

Favorite day of the week? || Friday; That's when the partying begins

Favorite day of the year? || Any day I get to play sports with a friend

Favorite season? || Fall

Favorite car? || Bugatti & Audi

Favorite shop? || Forever 21 & Victoria's Secret & Old Navy

Favorite holiday? || Easter

Favorite girls name? || Sapphire

Favorite boys name? || Daehyun

Favorite country? || America , Canada, Germany, South Korea, Russia

Favorite smell? || Freshly cooked Bulgogi

Favorite sound? || These instruments; Acoustic guitar, Violin, Piano

Favorite accent? || Korean [&] Chinese [&] Thai


Coke or Pepsi? || Coke

Pen or Pencil? || Pen

Day or Night? || Night

Cat or Dog? || Both; I like all pets, especially snakes. I love snakes. When I was little I would walk around and catch snakes in the woods with my siblings. We would pick them up and pet them, and they would intertwine with our fingers and relax. If you're nice to them, they're nice to you.

Summer or Winter? || Late summer

T.V. or Radio? || TV

Brains or Beauty? || Both

Cup or Mug? || Cup

Neighbors or Home and Away? || ?

Tea or Coffee? || Mix

Gold or Silver? || Silver

Brush or Comb? || Both

City or Country? || City

Red or White wine? || Red

Early or Late nighter? || Early nighter in the Winter, Late nighter in the summer

Early or Late riser? || Early riser in the Summer, Late riser in the Winter

Blonde or Brunette? || Neither, black hair
Scary or Romantic movies? || Scary; I'm not scared by them, but I like to scare my friends, plus there's a badass monster whipping a bunch of wimps butts and killing them, 

Board or Computer games? || Board

Rugby or Football? || Rugby

Half full or Half empty? || It was full, but I was thirsty so I drank it all

Long nails or short? || In between

Happy and poor or Sad and rich? || Happy and poor

Swimsuit or Bikini? || Bikini

Glasses or Contacts? || Neither, but I always wanted glasses when I was little, I thought/think they were/are cool

Salt and Vinegar or Cheese and Onion? || Both? I used to have a I would drink apple cider vinegar out of for fun when I was little

Flowers or Chocolates? || Flowers

Love or Money? || Love

Hugs or Kisses? || Hugs


What are you wearing? || Skinny jeans, Black T-shirt, Sports shoes, Dark blue Old Navy hoodie, Titanium ring, Leather belt

What's the latest news? || No Idea

What's the weather like? || Sunny, hot

How do you feel? || Engergetic


Cried? || Like half a year ago 

Laughed? || A couple minutes ago

Swore? || A couple days ago

Lied? || A few days ago

Got drunk? || Never

Read a newspaper? || This morning

Read your horoscope? || Never

Had a bath/shower? || This morning

Had a cold? || Today, right now

Smiled at someone? || Yesterday

Gave someone a cuddle? || I don't do that (unless that person means somethin to me) [never had someone like that, yet]

Said, 'I love you'? || Never


Who's the nicest? || My mom

Who's the funniest? || These boys named Mitchell, Kyle, and Alex

Who's the most annoying? || This girl Cailin (she always acts like she's the victim even though she's provoking everyong and she yells at others for doing the stuff she does or saying what she says, and she say she never swears but she swears every 2 minutes. She's a complete hypocrite)

Who's the best looking? || These girls named Kaira and Katelyn

Who's the weirdest? || This guys named Reid

Who's the chattiest? || This girl named Alyssa

Who's the quietest? || This girl named Sarah

Who's the most outrageous? || Me

Who's the shyest? || This girl named Sarah (different from the one above) [I know around 30 different Sarah's]

Who's the kindest? || Moe (that's my nickname for her)

Who's the idiot? || 99.7% of the kids at my school

Who's the friendliest? || This girl named Kennedy

Who's the best? || Me


What is a turn on? || a guy's"happy trail", flexible guys (dancers), V-line

What is a turn off? || lots of chest/back/arm/leg hair, gauges

What physical feature are you attracted to the most? || biceps/triceps, necks

Best chat up line? || Herro [or] Heller

What's the most irritating thing about them? || When they avoid asking what they really want to ask

Could you live without them? || Never

Describe your ideal partner? || Either of Lee Joon or G Dragon

What time is it now? || 5:12pm


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