Questions for Authors :)

In reply to -Tigress-'s blog post :)

1. What is your favorite story of yours and why?

Probably "Metal Body, Human Soul," because I think that's probably my most unique plot line. It's definitely a short fic, but I've always wanted to make it longer, so who knows :D

2. What is your LEAST favorite of yours and why?

Definitely "Ten Cliché Memories." I wrote it for a friend, but.... I think you can tell by the title why I don't quite like it x.x

3. What character of your writing do you most identify with?

Either Sunhi from "The Girl Who Wants Death" and "The Girl Who Wants to Forget" or Youngkyu from "Meet Me at the Diner." I can identify with Sunhi because I've been through depression and cutting. But I definitely have not gone through attempted suicides or a romantic love story :P As far as Youngkyu goes, I think she's the closest character I have to a "girl-next-door" type. I'm rather ordinary, not outstanding but not a wallflower. In the sense of being ordinary, I identify with her rather well.

4. What completed story did you have moments where you thought you would abandon it?

Definitely "Cerebral Dancing." I was losing inspiration and since I didn't outline it, I had no idea where it was going. Even to this day, I feel as if the ending is lacking and insufficient. But I managed to pull through, and I've completed it! I swear I'll never leave a story incomplete :)

5. When did you really get into writing?

Seventh grade? Around the time I was twelve years old.

6. Why did you start writing fanfiction?

It was a way for me to not only improve and practice on my own writing, but also to get public, unbiased opinions and feedback.

7. Who are your favorite published authors?

I always say I don't have a particular favorite published author. I've never been quite loyal to a single author, and love to branch out and read all sorts of books by different people. But, if I were to choose, I'd probably pick Brian Jacques because I've read nearly all of his "Redwall" books and I've loved every single one of them! Hopefully, I'll be able to get another one to read soon.

8. What is your favorite genre to read? (both fanfics and published)

Hmm... Fantasy, romance, adventure/action, slice of life, sometimes psychological.

9. What is your favorite genre to write?

Slice of life or romance :) I once tried fantasy, but I haven't quite reached that level of expertise yet >.<

10. What drives you the most to continue writing?

It's my passion. I've already known since I was younger that I wanted to be a writer. I don't think I could stop writing, ever. Some people have a passion for the arts, a passion for sciences, and I have a passion for writing. 

11. What pairing do you love to write? And what pairing can you not write??

I've recently begun to love writing for the lesser known idols. I'm currently writing a fic for Teo from Lunafly and Xuimin from EXO. I have a fic planned out for Chen from EXO, too. As far as pairings go, I don't usually write pairings of idols, and usually write with OCs. I don't think I could ever write a piece >.< I don't mind reading them, but I feel like I wouldn't know how to write one myself o.o

12. Do you have someone you see as your muse or inspiration?

My inspirations would probably be well known dancers. I've always loved dancing; it's probably my second greatest passion. I don't think any writers have compelled me as much as dancers have, though that's not necessarily a bad thing. BoA Kwon would probably be my biggest inspiration.

13. What aspect of your writing are you most comfortable in? (i.e. for me it's my scenes)

The description and imagery :)

14. And what aspect are you least comfortable in? (i.e. for me it's my dialogue)


15. Do you write outlines for your stories or just go with the flow of inspiration?

Previously, I used to just go with the flow, but that proved to be detrimental to the storylines of my stories :( I've recently begun to get into the habit of outlining, and it's been working out well so far :)!


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