Do you even English

Do you even English?

Holy ASDFGHJK how the hell do people do this?

I am currently in the middle of writing an analytical essay for English for SATIRE.

Since the first term has already passed and I got an A for first term (which was creative writing), and I really wanna top English this semester so I have to keep up that A, but it just UGHHHHHH!!!!! Essays are my weakness :(

I have two more assessment pieces that make up my whole semester mark, and oral and an essay and I am currently doing the essay.


We handed in our drafts recently and we got our feedback and the teacher said there were NO A-STANDARD ESSAYS. LIKE IF OUR DRAFTS WERE OUR FINAL, THERE WOULD BE NO A-STANDARD ESSAYS ASDFGHJKL


Need this A 

How did I even get an A for English, I pronounced 'really' as 'rearry' once

Halp :'(





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Hmm...try searching Google for tips on making analytical essays? Or maybe explore some stuff related on the topic to be discussed in your essay and be inspired. I hope this helps haha.