It was a war zone


I've never felt really intense in my whole life, but this was super intense








It was....





















Summer school registration


















dun dun dun














I don't know about you guys but registrating for completion courses are like warzones. You have to fight for the course you need to complete and you have to go against other students and their parents on the laggy computer site to registrate in. I was in so much pressure LOL I'd be like "MOM CLICK ON THIS HURRY! ENTER THE INFO! ITS THIS COURSE NOT THAT ONE!" XD But this socials studies completion course is super important. If I complete this in the summer, I will get to do Social Studies 11 in September ^^ Which is awesome because I can be a course ahead and it will benefit for my last year of secondary school.


Well at least I got a spot in lol


Jongup 4D excitement ♥ HAHA


So are you guys going to summer school for anything? Completion? Preview?



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kisekinaru #1
Haha congrats on getting a spot I'm xD
nananeko #2
whahahahahaha that first gif tho . himchan bit his lips to prevent laughing XD *sorry not kinda pay attention to your summer school XD*
JONGUPPPPP! What's summer school?