Prom Last Night

Last night was fun and interesting. My family and I took many pics before I went, which I'll show you guys later. I felt like a rich person that night ๐Ÿ˜„My Best friend and I were dates and arrived early. The dance floor was hella small and crowded so when everyone got there it was crowded and everyone was dancing on each other and there was no type of ventilation on that dance floor so I had to leave for a little while. I did dance with a guy (I've known him for a long time so he's not a random guy) who ing dry jumped the hell out of me and(and he was hard) I didn't like it because I don't get down like that. Plus you guys know I'm "married" to my beloved husband Jinki(I'm being serious ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜Š)...and I had rhinestones on my lips which you all will in my pics later. I was asked by a lot of people how I got them on, what do they feel like, and what of you kiss someone, which I didn't plan on doing, but some guy asked to kiss him on the cheek to see what they felt like so I did and the guy who I danced with, I guess got a little jealous and kissed me too, but on the lips...(Jinki will be upset)...I ate lots of fruit and cheese ๐Ÿ˜Š


I had a girl who asked me what if I kiss somebody with the rhinestones on then asked me if I was gay or straight....and I'm like why?! Does it matter she was like just answer the question.... Da fuq that got to with anything ..I guess she wanted me to kiss her and I asked her too "Are you gay, do you want me to kiss you?" Of course I wasn't serious but I had to clarify that I am straight...


I didn't go to after prom. I had planned to go home but I didn't have my key's and no one was home so I went with my best friend and other two friends to a hotel...I did NOT do anything and I didn't want to be there because I know it was going to be hella trouble. Of course other people from prom had been there in other rooms smoking and drinking but the room I was in we had just checked in so it was only me and my friends I came with. I laid down for a while and waited for my mom to come pick me up. She was afraid there would be too much going on but, so was I but she knows I can handle myself.


DID I MENTION I SAW AN ASIAN GUY THERE?! UGH HE WAS A CUTIE. There was this guy I knew sitting at the same table with him so I went to say hi to him just to be nosy to see who he was sitting with(I knew who he was sitting with...the Asian guy XD..I hope I don't offend anyone because I don't know his name so I'm referring to him as Asian) and I took a pic with him but his phone wasn't working with a flash so the Asian guy had to take it on his phone.....I hope he sends the pics to the other guy and deletes one wants pics of a guy and a random girl (me) in his phone ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚



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kpopoppa #1
kpopoppa #2
lol I feel weird when I say jinki is my husband I wish tho. WHY DO I LOE SOMEONE WHO DOESNT KNOW OF MY EXISTENCE
Glad you had fun
I really want to see pictures =)
How offensive to grind your into someone. I don't know what's worse: Seeing an unwanted or feeling an unwanted . Either way, that guy needs to learn some restraint or he's gonna have the police called on him one day. Can't wait to see your prom pics.
Sounds fuun ^^ our school's proms are always boring. Like dance or watch when others dance. And they're on midday so everyone will just go home to change after them xD