I don't even know what to say

Watching TV with the family. In the show, the parents are talking to their daughter about trying harder to get into college and living up to her potential. The daughter points out that the mother doesn't have a job, is the father trying to say she's not living up to her potential? (trying to get out of the conversation)

My husband says, "If she did nothing but raise kids for 15 years and now she's in law school, she hasn't met her potential but she's getting there."

What a ing . Couldn't I have gotten a better husband? Why did I have to settle for such an . Sigh.


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Raising kids is a big job I understand
But maybe that mother had a dream to be something once
tvxq4ever #2
arghh men -.-
I want to see him raising kids 24/7 for a single month...
faeriemythc #3
Men are stupid.
sometimes being a mother is so underrated... *shakes my head*
Did nothing but raise children! ? That's a 24/7 job that doesn't pay or have benefits! Such an idiot.