Angel League [엔젤 리그] Application Form


Personal Information

☆AFF Username: brave_purple
☆AFF Profile link:

Character information

☆Name: Oh Miyoung
☆Nickname: Mia
☆Age: 23
☆Birthplace: Bucheon, South Korea

☆Nationality: Korean
☆Birthdate: 05/10/1988
☆Blood type: AB
☆Height: 5'7" | 171 cm
☆Weight: 99 lbs | 45 kg
☆Spoken languages: Korean (fluent), Japanese (conversational, English (basic)
☆Appearance: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
☆Ulzzang name: Lee Ji Ah
☆Back-up ulzzang: Lee So Ah


Miyoung  is a very inquisitive young woman and loves to collect new information and absorbs new ideas really well. She values learning about different stuff. She also values organization and putting her new information/ideas to use. Instead of just telling people about her new profound knowledge, she likes to explain it through actions and putting the ideas to use. She gets passionate about it and gets frustrated when there's something she can't explain through showing people and might have some problems just discussing it. If she feels that something she has learn isn't right, she would try to prove it wrong, almost like a hypothesis. She hates to make mistakes or make errors, and extremely dislikes to make mistakes twice. Miyoung will try hard to not show her frustration, but sometimes she explodes as she tends to hold in her passionate feelings a lot. She's quick to make decisions, speak her mind, express her judgments, and tell her opinions. She tends to always state that her side is the correct side. Sometimes her point of view is misunderstood and this frustrates her as well. She respects people that try to argue against their point because she is stubborn this way.
She's also known to be an extraverted type of personality, but she acts more reserved than extraverted people. Sometimes she just needs to be alone and pay attention to her own needs. This is so because she's more than likely to try to do everything in the world to please other people and will forget about herself. It might also be because she is a natural born leader and likes to be in charge of things. Her leadership skills falls under paternalistic management style which is completely opposite of her knowledgeable side. When she's leading, she likes to listen to other people's opinions and feedbacks and runs off of this. Sometimes though she forgets about her own voice since she places everybody's needs above her. This causes her to stress out and sometimes let people run over her. She's not a push-over though; when she does realize that this is happening (which she always does sooner or later) she snaps back and realizes that she is in charge and it's her team, meaning her decision counts too, maybe even more than the others. Miyoung excels in the decision making area, if there are people around her to help her because she relies on people for her decision-making process. She usually does well in situations where she deals with people.
Miyoung loves to interact with people and has great communication skills. She can easily pick up non-verbal skills and recognize the other person's motivation. Because of this advantage, she's usually one step ahead of the person and can get what she wants out of them and receive the reactions that she intended on. She doesn't use this to manipulate people or do it out of selfishness. Miyoung also uses this advantage to dig deep in people and understand them. She easily cares for people and likes to bring the best out of people and support them. She supports people and helps bring good situations to them and this makes her feel accomplished. She doesn't like to cater to people's needs without feeling appreciated though. This is how she finds out if people are just pushing over her and using her. She can also be a charming person and easily captures people's attention. If the first meeting is good enough, she can become intimate with them (not ually intimate) and will work hard to maintain a good relationship with that person. She is a very loyal and trustworthy person and trusts other people as well. Overall, Miyoung is a very warm, people-oriented and caring person towards people and loves to do good deeds for them. 
She loves to have fun and is a fun person to be around. She's enthusiastic and gets very passionate and excited about things. Because she get's motivated about things easily, she tends to inspire and motivate people around her as well. She likes to be in the center of attention and has a strong flair for drama and style. Miyoung is a "doer" and loves to plunge into things and go through new experiences. Especially when it comes to theory, after she has learned new intellectual insight, researched it, made her opinion and explained it to people, she easily moves along to find the next thing to research and learn. She's a straightforward and blunt person and likes to get things done. Miyoung feels the need to keep moving and accomplish things quickly. Because of this, she tends to do well in her goals. This may also have a connection with her tendency to talk fast. She is honest and expresses self-confidence and she is able to do many things that she is interested in. She fully believes in her personal values and does things step by step depending on them. Her values are based on her religion which is Christianity. She likes to be organized and keep things in a well mannered structure. She can get grumpy and fussy if things are not in it's place. She always knows what she wants and what she wants accomplished. She's not a sensitive person but if words are harsh enough, they can hit her confidence. But normally she's a woman with a high confidence and self esteem and likes to make statements in the world and get things done. Miyoung's an inquisitive, creative, warm, caring, charming, spontaneous, people-oriented, fun-loving, intuitive individual who works best with people that show their appreciation for her and is capable of anything that she puts her mind into and is interested in.


  • Theories
  • Knowledge
  • Her slouchy hobo bag 
  • Sunglasses and hat combo
  • Black French tips
  • Organizing things; keeping things in order
  • Singing; dancing; music
  • Her Hp Envy 14 Beats Edition 
  • Google Scholar
  • Writing informative essays
  • Cafes
  • Her Polaroid camera 
  • Christmas
  • Hello Kitty
  • Libraries
  • Marine life


  • People who waste their talents/ don't try their hardest
  • Being alone
  • Instant coffee
  • Math
  • Halloween
  • People who don't show appreciation towards her
  • Explaining herself
  • Repeating the same mistakes
  • Losing her train of thought
  • Ignorant people
  • Unsolved problems (could be math or life problems)


  • Gets involved and donates to local charities
  • Goes to the library to do quiet research
  • Upload selcas to Cyworld
  • Going to different cafes with her friends
  • Downloading music on her laptop
  • Starting conversations with random people


  • Everytime inspiration strikes, she has to write her ideas down on something, even if it's her arm
  • Buying things associated with Hello Kitty
  • Window shopping and saying "I want that" but never buys anything
  • Twirls her hair when she's in deep thought
  • Taps her pencil on a desk/table
  • Lightly shoves people when they tease/joke with her
  • Listening to music on her laptop while researching
  • You can always find her with a lollipop in


  • She holds her liquor well
  • She has reached her "Christmas cake years" and is stressing over having a family
  • Ironically, she's a clubber/partier 
  • Always used to make top 3 in science fairs
  • Her favorite subjects are science and English
  • Her favorite color is pink
  • She's a multitasker; usually has more than five windows/tabs open
  • Goes to Jeju-do every summer
  • She loves to go out with her younger sister
  • When she's really concentrated, she usually pauses her breathing
  • She can play the piano and violin
  • She can name over thirty different fish
  • Completely flexible

Background information

☆Background: Her parents are high school sweethearts and married when her mother was 20 and her father was 21. Together they started their own sushi restaurant in Bucheon. Her mother became the head chef while her father handled most of the financial parts. They share some duties as well. They really weren't planning on having children, but then Miyoung came into their lives. They soon loved having Miyoung in their lives and decided to have another when Miyoung was old enough. When was five they had Misun, Miyoung's younger sister. They went through school without any conflict. Miyoung was smarter than her sister at most subjects, even math which she hates but has to get used to it since it's a big part of science. Miyoung also had more friends than her sister when growing up. Miyoung was the popular girl at school her had brains, beauty, and talent. Her sister was the same, just less. Misun became jealous of Unnie and Miyoung fixed the conflict between them. Misun is Miyoung's best friend and she cares for her more than anything. When there mother got angry and started yelling, looking for something to hit, Miyoung would hide with Misun in her closet until their dad calmed their mother down. Miyoung also tutored her sister all throughout school. Afterschool, they would have to do their homework while sitting in one of the restaurant's booths. The restaurant became big and one of the top sushi restaurants in Bucheon. When they both turned sixteen, they had to help work at the restaurant afterschool. Her sister fell in love with the restaurant and soon her future dream was to be a high class chef. Because of Miyoung's high grades and love for science, her parents thought she wanted to go in the science field, like become a marine biologist. Her sister went to camps for the culinary arts while Miyoung went to camps for science and marine biology. The daughters were always encouraged by their parents' to marry after graduating from college. Misun has no thoughts of marriage while Miyoung is stressing over it. Misun teases Miyoung by saying she's going to marry before her. But this scares her. Misun and Miyoung always had a teasing relationship, but Miyoung really cares for her sister. The restaurant business is still going on, and now Misun and Miyoung work there for a paycheck. Their parents are thinking about giving the business to Misun.

Miyoung was an outgoing and quiet girl at the same time. She was a teacher's pet and always made A's. Because her mother had such high expectations for her, if she even made a B+, she would be punished by her mother. Miyoung was the popular girl at her school and she loved having many friends. She was close with her parents until she entered high school. This is the reason why she was quiet, hanging out with her parents turned her into a daddy's girl and she was well mannered and was very polite. She had/has many dongsangs because many young people in her community looked up to her. She had no problem mentoring these young people and leading them to a good future and helping them figuring out their future goals and dreams. She spent most of her time afterschool helping out with restaurant, studying, tutoring her sister, and mentoring her dongsangs. She found music however when one of her dongsangs took her to a street battle. It was people freestyling with rapping and dancing. She got hooked on the dance battles and watched them until the battles were over. She took classes at the local dance studio and they taught her Contemporary Jazz, Pop Jazz, and Hip Hop. She was able to master all three. She felt dance was a form to release her inner creativity after studying and researching information all day just to build her knowledge. She always sung because she used to sing lullabies to her younger sister and her parents recognized her voice and put her in singing classes when she was little. But once she entered middle they took her out because school was more important to them. She knew if her mother found out about the dance classes she was taking her umma would not only beat her but ground her for who knows how long. She tried keeping it a secret from her parents, the only lie she ever made in her life. She auditioned when she was 18. SM was holding one of their Best Youth Contest and she entered the dancing and singing portions. She won second place in Vocals and first place in the dance contest. SM was letting the top three winners become trainees so Miyoung automatically became a trainee since she won first and second place.


Oh Jiyeon | 45 | Head Chef | Alive; Jiyeon is very strict and likes to keep things flowing and in order. She has a habit of shouting, even if the person is in the same room. They only person that she loosens around and has a warm personality with is her husband. She has high standards for everybody and doesn't accepts any excuses. She has a bad habit of worrying and stressing over her family.

Oh Taehyun | 46 | Manager and Accountant | Alive; He's a jokester and can easily raise and lighten any mood. He likes to hang out with people and just enjoy life. He really hates to see people stressing which is how he and his wife are a perfect match. The fix each other weakness because he's not good on focusing on stuff that's important.

☆Siblings: Oh Misun | 18 | High school student and Waitress | Alive; She's a very cheerful freespirit. She's very carefree about things and is inspired to become a famous chef.

☆Family information: When they found out she wanted to become an idol, it wasn't pretty. They tried to punish her, but she was still able to audition to SM ent. when she was 18 because on her birthday she moved out into another apartment building. Her mother still hates that she's trying to become an idol, but her dad is really trying to accept it.

Stage information

☆Stage name: Miyoung

☆Position of interest:

  1. Lead dancer, lead vocalist
  2. Main dancer and sub vocalist
  3. Lead dancer and sub vocalist

☆Personal fan club name: Foxes

☆Voice type: Coloratura mezzo-soprano

☆Dance type: Contemporary Jazz, Pop Jazz, and Hip Hop

☆Other positions of interest if you don't make it: Choreographer, Songwriter

Relationships information


  1. Donghae - She likes him because of his songwriting creativity and his humor. She also likes his dancing skills. She also thinks he's very adorable. She's shy around him. Actually she shows her shyness through aegyo. She never used aegyo before but it comes out when she around him. He finds it to be cute but he just treats her like another friend. Because of this she calls him Oppa to get his attention.
  2. Sungmin - She loves his aegyo just like every girl in the world and thinks he's really cute. She likes his singing as well. She's more friendly around with Sungmin and they play around a lot when they're together.
  3. Onew - She loves his body gags and Onew Condition. She finds it extremely cute. She thinks his love for chicken is sort of odd though. They act as normal friends. She shows no sign of affection with him and neither does he.

☆Rival: Victoria - She envies how Victoria is famous for her flexibility and dancing when Miyoung's skills are the same, and if not then better. She wants to be recognized for this as well, but she realizes she has to take baby steps before she can be an idol.


  • Dara (Unni) - Dara is Miyoung's Unni because she felt potential in Miyoung as an artist even though she's smarter than most. Dara acts as Miyoung's mentor for entertainment since she is the visual for 2NE1. She also spoils her by taking her shopping and treating her out to places. At first Miyoung found it awkward because Dara is four years older than her, but Dara quickly took away any awkwardness and told her to just call her Unni.
  • Yuri ( close acquaintances) - Miyoung and Yuri have a quiet relationship. Usually Yuri is talkative but they just practice at SM headquarters together and barely say a word to each other. Once in a while they point out each other weaknesses and try to help out each other. After practice, they do head out to cafes one the weekends and have small talk. They share some experiences as they are both people who fell in love with music
  • Luna (best friends) - Miyoung and Luna knew each other ever since Miyoung's higher 2nd year of high school, which is when she became interested in music. Luna would go to classes with her they would hang out after school with Miyoung wasn't busy. Luna is actually the dongsang that showed her the street battles. They play around a lot and playfully tease each other. Instead of telling Luna to call her Unni they are closer than that.
  • Seohyun (dongsang) - Seohyun and Miyoung are one of the smartest in the entertainment business and Miyoung respects that about Seohyun. While Miyoung likes hard cold facts and would rather make her own opinions, Seohyun has her own philosophies. Miyoung finds that interesting and they often share each other insights. Miyoung tends to treat Seohyun like her own daughter considering she really cares for her.


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Ceebee86 #1
This is amazing! You worked so hard on this! I'd be happy to take you in as a trainee. You've just made it so easy to write about Miyoung! :)
Sorry if there's any grammar mistakes. If there's any major ones or any mistakes in the application please feel free to tell me. Thank you for reading